Tuesday 17 April 2012

my adventure at the last great frost fair of london with river song in 1814

(This is all my own writing so please do not steal it i did my research of the last great frost fair of 1814 to come up with this. I hope you enjoy it)

 A frost fair was a celebration held on the surface of the River Thames when it froze over. Carnival festivities, shows, games, ice skating, shopping and other celebratory events were held on the open surface of the ice.

The last proper freezing of the River Thames in London took place in 1814.The frost set in at the start of January, and by the end of the month, the River was frozen solid an elephant was led across the Thames by Black friars Bridge which would soon be demolished an the new london bridge built in its place to demonstrate the safety of the ice. Hoardes of traders and entertainers rushed to set up shop, and the fair was in full-swing. It was shorter than many, as the solid ice lasted only a week. The last great frost fair of london begun on Feb 1st to the 4th in 1814, this was to be the last frost fair. The climate was growing milder; also, old London Bridge was demolished in 1831 and replaced with a new bridge with wider arches, allowing the tide to flow more freely; additionally, the river was embanked in stages during the 19th century, which also made the river less likely to freeze.

 River and i were to spend those 4 days having as much fun as we could from tasting food and drink to ice skating and singing on the frozen river of the Thames. During those 4 days i was to bring the musician Stevie Wonder to sing for her under neath the newly built London bridge that was the replacement from the recently demolished black friers bridge.

while she awaited for my return from the future with Stevie she was to have a number of small adventures while waiting for me to return though whenever i asked her what she had been up to all she would respond with was her usual word spoilers. Like river i keep a diary of all of our meetings and adventures since she is my future and i am her past. i also keep a written record of all my adventures with or without her or companions at any given time. once the frost fair came to an end i returned Stevie Wonder back to his own time and Dr song back to her storm cage prison cell before heading off on a new unknown adventure.

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