Monday, 9 March 2015

Captain Jack Harkness meets £rd doctor incarnation.

The year: 200,100

Where: Satellite 5 

My Name: Captain Jack Harkness, former time agent with the celestial time agency and con man.

I was the lone survive aboard a space station orbiting a Dalek - devastated Earth. When the daleks invaded and killed everyone that they found myself included. But I didn’t stay dead, due to the actions of Rose Tyler who took into herself the heart of the tardis and became the entity known as Bad Wolf for a short period of time. Through her I was brought back to life and left stranded when the doctor removed the heart of the tardis and returned it where it belonged this would in turn cause him to regenerate into his Tenth incarnation. As for me well I was left to my own devices and I would use my vortex manipulator to return to what I thought was modern day earth hoping it would allow me to catch up with the doctor since that was Rose’s home era. I was wrong. 

Where I ended up: Earth, Cardiff 1899.

Here I would come across two young Victorian woman by the names of Alice Guppy and Emily Hold both of whom I would learn worked for Torchwood. Torchwood was created by the late Queen Victoria after her encounter with the doctor and Rose and an alien life form that people would come to call a werewolf though that wasn’t what the creature actually was. Her mandate was simple to defend the empire from all threats alien included. These young women somehow learned of me and decided that they would any means necessary to acquire information about myself and where I came from also to recruit me for the organization. Not only did they come to find out that I couldn’t die but they wanted to know in great detail my connection to the doctor who by decree of the crown was considered an enemy of the state. It would take some convincing but eventually the came to believe me when I told them that the doctor was a hero and not an enemy and that he defended the earth from all incursions and alien threats that they themselves would never come to know about or ever encounter. At this the accepted the knowledge and released me from their cells to live what life I could manage to make for myself but that I would be kept monitored and used to fulfill Torchwood missions should it be required.

After I fulfilled the mission that both women had sent me  to carry out with one of their contemporaries I spent time in a local bar of that era and it was there that I learned from a cartomancer who offered to read me my fortune. Did I in turn flirt and then sleep with said cartomancer? (what do you think! * winks) I was told that the doctor would indeed return to Cardiff but it would be a century (100 years) I not the future. With nothing left to do but wait I made the decision to join Torchwood on a permanent basis. For a hundred years I lived through earth history first hand, from the 19th right through to your 21st century.

The year: early 20th century.

The formation: UNIT.. The Unified Intelligence Task force  formerly known as the United Nations Intelligence Task force came into being.

Was Torchwood aware of it’s creation and its purpose? Yes of course it was. Did we at Torchwood get involved with the organization in anyway? Hell no, not unless our paths crossed or when it involved the same investigation that was being undertaken. Did Torchwood care for the methods of this particular organization? Again I have to say no but it was an organization that served its purpose and got the job done as it were much like ourselves. As the years passed I watched many a member of Torchwood die and be replaced or retire and live what remained of their short lives alone just as those at unit would do. It wasn’t till a Unit man by the name of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stuart took over the command of the organization that I would take an interest and keep abreast of everything that the organization did especially when I learned that they knew of and had had countless dealings with the doctor.

On return from a mission for Torchwood I would come across a report that unit had had dealings with the doctor for the first time. Upon reading it I would find that it was an encounter with the doctor in his 2nd incarnation but on further investigation I was to find that the doctor had already left earth so I would be unable to meet or talk with my doctor’s younger self until around 1977 when the doctor had already regenerated into his 3rd incarnation and I would learn that he had been exiled by his own people for his interference in other cultures throughout the universe. Did I learn about this first hand you might wonder? Well no I made sure that anything that unit reported in their files about the doctor a copy of it would appear on my desk so that I could monitor everything.

Once it came to my attention the the doctor in his 3rd incarnation was now confined to earth and was now working for unit as a scientific advisor I made it my mission to follow everything that he did in the hopes that I would eventually meet the man when there were no other people around to stop me from speaking with him and seeing what I could find out from this version of him. Then my chance came during an incursion when the auton’s tried to invade earth at this time the doctors current companion was a young human girl by the name of Elizabeth Shaw. Once that mission was over and a complete success the younger woman left the lab that was the doctor’s domain at unit hq and it would be the chance I had to slip past unit forces and meet the doctors younger self.

Place: Scientific Laboratory unit hq

The meeting: between Captain Jack Harkness of Torchwood and 3rd incarnation of the doctor.

The hallways of unit that lead to the scientific laboratory where the doctor resided and worked stood empty and silent. Captain Jack Harknss walked through the echoing halls until he came to and stopped standing still in the open doorway of a scientific laboratory watching the man that sat with head bowed over a device he was either repairing or making. For the longest time Jack stood there in silence watching the man that he’d been trying to catch up with even though this was not the doctor that of the future that he knew. Jack closed his dark eyes for the barest of moments then opened them and braced himself. Jack unclasped his hands and balled one into a fist and gave the lightest of knocks upon the open door.

'Yes what is it?'

came the gruff response from the doctor without raising his grey haired head. Jack coughed softly then replied.

‘Doctor? I’m Captain Jack Harkness, I wonder if I might have a few moments of your time before security personnel show up’ 

He Inquired his hands folded behind his back and dressed his his usual garb. The Doctor sighed and lowered his hands and ceased what he was doing and raised his head to look at the other man who’d spoken to him.

‘Young man, I’m a very busy man and don’t have time for chit chat’

Came the gruff response. The captain smiled in amusement.

‘Oh I know well how you are doctor more than you might think’ 

He responded and stepped up next to the desk offering the doctor his hand which he held out in front of him.

‘Do I know you?’ 

The doctor inquired not taking the offered hand.

‘No sir not yet but you will in your future.’

Jack stated as he withdrew his hand taking no offence that the doctor hadn’t shook it.

'How is it you, a man from the future I assume are here in this era?' 

Curious about this man who had come to visit him the doctor laid the device upon the table and sat back thoughtfully studying him fearfully. 

'Because my vortex manipulator was damaged and I need help repairing it. Also due to your future actions doctor of those I am unable to divulge to you.' 

This the response that the captain gave to his inquiries. The 3rd doctor took in this response with a frown upon his features but chose not to pursue that area instead he held out his hand to him. 

'Let me see the manipulator and see if I am able to fix it'

He mused before asking.

‘So at some point in the future you and I come to cross pathways do we?’

He asked only to have the captain nod his dark head replying

‘Yes sir more than once. But as you once told me never to reveal future events to others least the consequences be disastrous’

Jack replied to him as he gave the doctor his manipulator so that he could give it the once over. The doctor realized that with this device he would be able to be free of his exile but when he gave it the once over he found that it was too badly damaged and if used it wouldn’t get him to much of anywhere.

‘I’m sorry captain but your device is fried upto a point it will take time to repair with today’s technology I’m afraid that you will have to wait until the human race is more advanced before you can even attempt to use it’ 

He stated handing the manipulator back to the captain. Jack took the manipulator back and looked across the messy desk where he stood and the doctor sat. Reaching out he picked up a blank piece of paper and a pen and wrote down a number. 

'The is the number for Torchwood doctor should you have a need of us for anything' 

Jack said as he finished writing it and laid it down where the doctor could access it.

‘Thank you for taking the time to see me doctor even though neither was of much aid to the other. I look forward to our future encounter when the time lines are exactly right’ 

Jack stepped back and gave the doctor a salute. 

'Agreed captain till we meet again.' 

The doctor responded and watched as the captain left the same way he’d arrived in silence.

(please do not steal my writing thank you)

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