Rory Williams | ||
Main aliases: | The Last Centurion | |
Species: | Human | |
Place of origin: | Leadworth, England | |
First seen in: | The Eleventh Hour | |
Appearances: | Full list of appearances | |
Main actor: | Arthur Darvill | |
Other TV actors: | Ezekiel Wigglesworth |
Rory Williams was Amy Pond's boyfriend and later, husband. He became a companion of the Eleventh Doctor, died and was removed from the universe by being absorbed by the Time Field. After "Big Bang Two" he was restored, married Amy and resumed travel with the Doctor and her. During this time, his child Melody Pond (later River Song) was born. When the Doctor married River, Rory became his father-in-law.
Rory was a childhood friend of Amelia Pond. Like much of Leadworth, he was privy to her tales of the "raggedy Doctor" and a reluctant participant in dress-up games she based on them. He was also a friend of Mels, unbeknownst to him their daughter from the future. He played hide and seek with them and would hide for hours when they didn't look for him. Rory was long attracted to Amy. His feelings were returned only after Mels pointed it out. Before this,
While working at the hospital in 2008, Rory noticed coma patients roaming about the village. He helped the Eleventh Doctor defeat Prisoner Zero, then watched him warn the Atraxi away from Earth after they threatened to roast it.Rory became engaged to Amy and looked up the latest scientific theories.
Travels with the Doctor
In 2010, not knowing Amy had left in the TARDIS and spent days away from Leadworth, Rory was surprised as the Doctor unexpectedly appeared in place of a stripper at his stag party. He was disheartened to learn that Amy had tried to kiss the Doctor. The Doctor took the couple on a "romantic break" to Venice in 1580 as a wedding gift. They ran into Saturnyns who planned to flood Venice and repopulate it with their species. Rory defended Amy from Francesco, a Saturnyn who wished to convert her into a "fish from space". The Doctor defeated the Saturnyns and Rory agreed to continue travelling with the Doctor after Amy asked him to.
The Alliance scanned the psychic imprint left by Amy and used her dormant memories of Rory to create an Auton duplicate.
Amy and Rory passed their wedding night on the TARDIS, conceiving their first child. The Doctor left them on a honeymoon planet
After their honeymoon, Rory and Amy returned to Earth. Amy was replaced with a Ganger.
After three months on the run, the Doctor started a revolution against the Silence by using their own powers against them, Rory returned to travelling on the TARDIS with Amy to keep her from telling the Doctor about his impending death. During this time Rory began to question Amy's feelings for him yet again, as she described someone she loved who "fell out of the sky" and changed her life. However, his doubts were put to rest when Amy told him she meant him, not the Doctor.
Further travels
Answering a distress signal from the 17th century, the TARDIS crew ended up on the pirate ship Fancy, where they were accused of being stowaways. Rory was accidentally cut by a cutlass wielded by Amy and targeted by a Siren who had been taking crew members. Though Amy sheilded him from the Siren, Rory was taken after being washed overboard during a storm. The Doctor figured out the "siren" was a virtual doctor from an invisible spaceship in the same space as the Fancy. Rory instructed Amy in CPR and had himself disconnected from the ship's life-support. He was revived shortly after.
Rory and the Doctor raised an army to rescue Amy and his daughter, Melody Pond, from Madame Kovarian and the Church in the 52nd century. Rory invaded the Twelfth Cyber Legion and asked twice for the whereabouts of his wife, destroying the other ships in the Legion as a "message from the Doctor". Soon after, he arrived on Demon's Run. He kept Kovarian from fleeing with his daughter as the Doctor's army won the fight in four minutes. However, the baby was not Melody, but another a Ganger; Kovarian had escaped with his daughter. River Song appeared and stunned him with the news she was his daughter, using as proof a prayer leaf with her name written in the language of the Gamma Forest, translated by the TARDIS. The Doctor left Rory and Amy to be returned to their home era by River while he looked for the infant Melody.
After waiting "all summer", Amy had Rory make a crop circle saying "Doctor" to catch the Doctor's attention. They found him waiting and were surprised by their childhood friend, Mels. She ordered them at gunpoint to help her escape the police and take her to kill Hitler. The TARDIS landed in Berlin and accidentally crashed into the Teselecta, Rory slugged Hitler and locked him in a closet. Discovering Mels had been shot by Hitler, he also learned she was Melody, who regenerated into River Song.River had poisoned the Doctor. Rory and Amy followed her, only to be sucked into the shape-shifting Teselecta, which took Amy's form. While the Doctor tried to reason with their child, they made the Teselecta's antibodies attack the crew. On the verge of dying again, Rory was saved by his daughter in the TARDIS. Melody gave her remaining regenerations to revive the Doctor. Leaving her in "the best hospital in the universe" to recover from the strain, Rory and Amy rejoined the Doctor while River was left to find her own way.
Further adventures
The TARDIS landed on Earth in 2011 after tracing a distress call from George, a Tenza who lived in a block of flats. Amy and Rory knocked on nearly every door to find him. George used his psychic powers to drop Rory and Amy into the doll house in his closet. Rory believed they had died again, only to find another person, running from the Peg Dolls, who was turned into one. It joined the others to chase Rory and Amy. Rory then saw his wife transformed into a doll. He met up with the Doctor and George's dad, Alex, to hold them off. The dolls were stopped when George overcame his fear and Amy, along with the others, was restored.The Doctor took Rory and Amy to a resort planet, Apalapucia. The planet was quarantined for the Chen-7 virus. Befuddled by the security measures, Amy wound up in a faster timestream. While the Doctor hid in the TARDIS because the virus targeted humanoids with two hearts, Rory went to retrieve her. He met his wife nearly forty years into her future, hiding from the robotic medical staff lest their medicine kill her. He convinced her to rescue her younger self on the condition she also be rescued. The Doctor forced Rory to choose between the past and future Amys at the last moment; the TARDIS could not sustain such a paradox. The older Amy sacrificed herself. Rory was at first angry with the Doctor, fearing he was turning Rory into the Doctor himself, but later agreed the Doctor had done the right thing.
Amy and Rory went to the Liao Dynasty China in the 13th century, where the guards of the Liao Palace attacked them for taking food. After the TARDIS took off, it collided with a Rutan ship. The ship crashed on the future site of the Houses of Parliament, putting the occupants in stasis until 1605, when it sent a distress call. The TARDIS responded to its call and landed in London. Beneath Parliament, Amy and Rory discovered Guy Fawkes and Robert Catesby plotting to blow up Parliament and kill King James I. The Rutan Lady Winters was in their ranks. Amy and Rory followed the trail to the Rutan ship and helped find the power rods to let the ship take off. They were also caught in a conflict between Sontarans and Rutans over the Rutans' two doomsday weapons. The Doctor reprogrammed one to target Rutans. Rory handed the Sontaran-targeted weapon to the other party, causing a stalemate, as each race was at risk of destroying themselves
Departure from the Doctor
Rory ended up in an alien structure modelled on a 1980s hotel with Amy and the Doctor, where a creature fed off the faith of those the prison trapped for it. Rory, who had no strong faith for the creature to feed on, kept Amy safe until the Doctor broke her faith in him and the creature died. Rory and Amy were returned to Earth some time before they had left to find the Doctor had bought them a new home and a red E-Type Jaguar that Rory had longed for. Hoping to thank the Doctor with some champagne, he went inside and was confused when the Doctor was gone when he returned. Amy explained the Doctor was saving them from more dangerous adventures with him.
After time was restored and the Doctor had "died", River dropped by Rory and Amy's house from just after her adventure with Amy in the Byzantium. Rory was pleased by River's visit and confused by his wife's joy until River explained that the Doctor was still alive.
In 2013, the Doctor joined Rory and Amy for Christmas. In 2020, Rory and Amy returned to Cwmtaff to wave to their younger selves.
Alternate timeline
In a timeline where all time happened at once due to the Doctor not dying, Rory was a captain in a military force led by Amy. They tried to restore the timeline without killing the Doctor. Unlike Amy and River, he had no memory of the correct timeline. He was attracted to Amy, who was looking for him but didn't recognise him. The Doctor tried to get them together, but Rory saw right through it. When the Silents broke free, tormented by his Eye Drive, he stayed to hold them off, though it meant certain death. Amy saved him, then told him they should get a drink and married. When the Doctor married River, Rory consented to the marriage as the bride's father, even though he didn't understand what was going on. Unlike Amy, the Doctor and River, Rory probably had no memory of these events when the timeline was restored.
Rory was timid in his first meeting with the Doctor. He was hectored by Dr Ramsden and terrified by the chaos surrounding the Doctor and Prisoner Zero. He still had the presence of mind to record evidence his comatose patients were strolling outside the hospital. He also helped Amy clear the hospital of patients before Prisoner Zero could kill them.In Venice, Rory was unnerved when the Doctor and Amy wanted to return to the Saturnyn stronghold, yet he grew in bravery. He challenged Francesco to protect Amy. When he saw Francesco had attacked a girl, his immediate reaction was to see if she was all right. He took a lethal Silurian energy beam meant for the Doctor.Rory was stubbornly devoted to Amy. Perhaps the greatest testament to this was his willingness as an Auton to guard Amy in the Pandorica for almost two thousand years. He would perform great feats of courage out of love for Amy and go to any length when angry. He destroyed all but one of the Twelfth Cyber Legion's ships to find where Amy was held captive and as an Auton, punched the Doctor when he was grieving over shooting Amy Although he remained aghast at the risks he was forced to take, his reflexive behaviour was heroic.
At first, Rory was jealous of Amy's infatuation with the Doctor and uneasy at her obsession with him when she was little. However, after the Dream Lord's challenge Rory became more comfortable with the Doctor's presence in their lives, trying to have civil conversations with him and helping in TARDIS maintenance. He put up with the occasionally troublesome natures of Amy and the Doctor. Rory was very loyal to the Doctor, whom he trusted with his life. He was devastated when it appeared the Doctor was dead and when Idris' body died; not only were they his friends, he was a nurse and they were his patients. Rory was a quick learner. When confronted with the necessity of riding a motorcycle for the first time to follow River Song, he sourly noted that it was "One of those days" and did so. He was one of the few people to not freak out on entering the TARDIS for the first time, remarking he had done some reading on the theory. When he was put in to the Teselecta he concluded it was a miniaturisation ray simply because they were smaller and it was a ray.
Other information
Rory was a trained nurse. He knew medical procedures and how to examine bodies.As he had been a Roman Centurion, he was accomplished at fighting with a gladius. In two millenia guarding the Pandorica, Rory became a very effective warrior. In the attack on Demon's Run, he survived the battle with the Headless monks while two experienced soldiers, Strax and Lorna Bucket, were killed. ). Rory demonstrated a good 'gun arm' on several occasions; he knocked the Doctor, Hitler and the Teselecta to the ground with single blows to their jaws.
Behind the scenes
In a scene deleted from The Hungry Earth, the Doctor admits to Amy that he likes Rory a lot.
Rory's first death is very similar in nature to Jenny's (DW: The Doctor's Daughter). In both cases they died taking a shot intended for the Doctor, and in both cases the shooter was a violent member of a race that the Doctor had helped bring peace to. (Restac and Cobb respectively).
Coincidentally Rory temporarily "dies" in some manner in three consecutive episodes of Series 6 (DW: Day of the Moon, The Curse of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife). Totalling up, his temporary deaths come to six. The other three 'deaths' occurred in DW: Amy's Choice, DW: Cold Blood, and the erasure of his Auton duplicate's existence in DW: The Big Bang (In addition, earlier in that episode, Amy mourns him when the museum documentary concludes he died in the Blitz). This means he has died more than any other televised companion.
Incidentally, every time Rory "dies" in a given story, he dies in at least one adjacent story as well.
Additionally, in the story immediately following DW: The Doctor's Wife, Rory is the only character for whom a version doesn't die; at least one version of every other character has an on-screen death, including the Doctor and Amy (DW: The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People).
In The Wedding of River Song, Silents call Rory "The man who dies and dies again."
The Brilliant Book 2012, a book that contains non-narrative information, offers other pieces of Rory's history, including;
Escaping to the TARDIS, the Doctor decided he and his companions had to become renegades to give the Silents a false sense of security. The plan included Canton and the FBI hunting them down on a nationwide search. He reluctantly sent River and the Ponds on their own nationwide search to find information about the Silents. He gave them Cryostasis podlets for when Canton would pretend to kill them.
When Amy and Rory went to see Romeo and Juliet in 1605, Rory met King James I and upon informing him of their friendship with the Doctor, almost got him and Amy arrested. They escaped to the wine cellar in their hotel. Amy then sent the Doctor a letter, informing him of their situation and that they would be hiding in empty wine barrels.
At their next destination, Amy and Rory had a picnic in the Gardens of Zul-Thep in the year 3104. However, their picnic was interrupted by a swarm of giant, talking, Human-hating bees attracted to Amy's jam. Rory sent a telemessage to the Doctor to pick them up before the giant bees could hurt them.
The Doctor sent the Ponds to meet Wyatt Earp. However, Rory upset Earp, nearly getting shot, in turn upsetting Rory. To make matters worse, aliens appeared and Rory had an accident with a cactus. Amy sent a telegram to the Doctor, asking he pick them up and bring salve for Rory's injury
During their beach holiday on Drago14, the beach was attacked by acid-spitting land squids, damaging Rory's Terry Pratchett book. After the attack, Amy and Rory went to get acid-proof suits and Amy found a brochure for The Thrasymachus in the travel agent shop next to the next to the acid proof shop. Amy had Rory send an Instant Message to the Doctor about the cruise and told Rory to sent the Doctor their love.
Rory travelled to Oklahoma, Texas and California. He started missing his wife by the time he reached his first destination. During his time in Texas, Rory realised the aliens he was searching for resembled The Scream and deduced that they were behind its repeated thefts.
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Amy Pond
Amy Pond | ||
Species: | Human | |
Place of origin: | Scotland | |
First seen in: | The Eleventh Hour | |
Appearances: | Full List of Appearances | |
Main actor: | Karen Gillan | |
Other TV actors: | Caitlin Blackwood |
Amelia was born in Scotland in 1989. Her parents, Augustus and Tabetha Pond, were swallowed by the crack in her wall and Amy was raised by her aunt Sharon in the small town of Leadworth. Despite living so long in England, she never lost her Scottish accent.
Meeting the Doctor
While waiting, Amelia was obsessed with her "Raggedy Doctor". She created dolls, comics and dress-up games about him and made her friends take part. Sharon sent Amy to four psychiatrists to convince her the Doctor wasn't real. She bit them. In secondary school, her best friends were Rory Williams, whom she thought gay because he paid no attention to other girls, and Mels, who was actually their daughter from the 52nd century. Mels made her understand Rory had been paying attention to Amy and she returned his affections.
Second meeting with the Doctor
Travels with the Doctor
While looking for parts for a tractor beam to rescue the Doctor from a spacetime riptide, Amy accidentally released the Entity from its container in the TARDIS. The Entity created a lesion in time, sent her a thousand years into the future and began to feed on her timeline. The Doctor sent Amy a Tachyon Feedback Loop to return to him. He captured the Entity and sent it into the riptide to gorge on the four-dimensional Chronomites without harming them. They found a vacation spot, Poseidon 8 in the 23rd century, attacked by a Zaralok, occupied by the Vashta Nerada and its people suffering "sickness". Amy helped the Doctor restore power to the undersea farming facility. She was led to a World War II era warship, the USS Eldridge. It had brought the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada through a dimensional vortex caused by a malfunctioning cloaking device. The Doctor and Amy deactivated the device, returning the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada to their proper timelines.The Doctor, feeling guilty for Rory's loss, took Amy to wonderful places. On one of these trips, they met Vincent van Gogh in 1890 France with whom Amy developed a close bond. She was deeply upset that despite their efforts, he still killed himself. The TARDIS materialised in a park in Colchester and dematerialised, leaving the Doctor stuck in Essex and Amy trapped in the TARDIS. After they were reunited, Amy found her engagement ring in the Doctor's jacket. She could not attach any memories to it, but felt a strange connection.Amy and the Doctor visited Space Florida a week prior to the events of the Doctor's erasure.
Restarting the Universe
Amy met River Song again, caught up in a trap for the Doctor set by an Alliance of the Doctor's enemies at Stonehenge in 102. She was reunited with Rory, who had been recreated as an Auton. Her memories of him returned and he shot her. The Doctor put Amy in the Pandorica. Rory watched over her for two thousand years until she was resurrected in 1996 by her younger self. The TARDIS had exploded and cracked time. To repair the universe, the Doctor sacrificed himself into the cracks. Amy restored the family she had lost, as well as a human Rory. The Doctor was erased from time. Amy was married to Rory. At the reception she caught sight of River Song passing by the window. She found River's diary on the table and remembered details of the Doctor, then recalled him entirely and restored him to reality with her time-altered mind. The Doctor, Rory and she bade goodbye to Leadworth and departed on another adventure: an Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express in space. Amy kept her maiden name rather than becoming Amy Williams. The Doctor began calling Rory "Mr. Pond However, the Doctor would finally call Amy "Amy Williams" to shatter her belief in him so that she could leave him without any trouble.
The Doctor gave the newlyweds a trip to a honeymoon planet -- a planet on a honeymoon with an asteroid -- just before his TARDIS was stolen by the Claw Shansheeth of the 15th Funeral Fleet. Amy insisted the Doctor carry her mobile phone with him to keep in touch.
Amy and Rory almost crashed on Ember. She took on the role as the Ghost of Christmas Present to help coax Kazran Sardick into allowing the ship she was on to land safely. After Abigail Pettigrew, with the help of the Doctor's broken sonic screwdriver, opened the planet's cloud belt to save the ship, the Doctor suggested a moon made of honey as a destination. He said there were some lovely views, but it was technically alive and slightly carnivorous.
Near the end of their honeymoon, the TARDIS materialised inside itself after Rory had an accident while helping the Doctor conduct routine maintenance. Amy encountered a future version of herself, with whom she flirted. The Doctor used the resulting space loop to end it.
As a Ganger
Amy and Rory returned to Earth soon after they had left. A pregnant Amy was kidnapped by Madame Kovarian and the Church. She was replaced by a Ganger duplicate to whom her mind was linked, making it seem she had not been abducted About this time, she received a TARDIS blue
A solar tsunami sent the TARDIS crashlanding in the 22nd century. Amy became involved in a Ganger revolution, helping them achieve equality despite being wary of the Ganger Doctor.
Becoming a mother
Nearing the end
The TARDIS landed on Earth in 2011, following a distress signal from a Tenza named George to a block of flats. Amy and Rory knocked on many doors, but failed to find him. They entered a lift and were dropped into a giant doll's house where George kept everything he feared. The house was inhabited by Peg Dolls. Amy was caught and added to their ranks to chase Rory and other people there. When George overcame his fear, Amy was restored to normal along with the other victims. On the universe's second most popular vacation planet, Apalapucia, Amy accidentally admitted herself into a facility for Chen7, a plague deadly to beings with two hearts like the Doctor. The Handbots running the facility mistook her for a patient and kept almost killing her. She hid and waited for rescue. The Doctor accidentally locked onto her timestream thirty-six years late. Embittered, she refused to help rescue the "young" Amy, but was finally persuaded and reverted the timeline. Amy and Rory went to China in the 13th century. The guards of the Liao Palace attacked them for taking food. After the TARDIS took off, it collided with a Rutan ship, which crashed on the future site of the Houses of Parliament. It put its occupants in stasis until 1605, when it sent a distress call. The TARDIS responded and landed in London. Beneath Parliament, Amy and Rory then discovered Guy Fawkes and Robert Catesby plotting with the Rutan Lady Winters to blow up Parliament and kill King James I. Amy and Rory followed the trail to the Rutan ship and helped find the power rods for the ship to take off. They were caught in a conflict between Sontarans and Rutans over the Rutans' two doomsday weapons. The Doctor reprogrammed one of the weapons to target Rutans, resulting in a stalemate.
Departure from the Doctor
In a prison for a Minotaur, where everyone had a room holding their nightmare, Amy found hers: her younger self, waiting for the Doctor. To defeat the Minotaur, the Doctor destroyed Amy's faith in him. After this, he returned Amy and Rory to a new house, some time before they had left, leaving them behind to save them from further risks. Amy was upset, but accepted it. She asked the Doctor to tell River to visit them if he saw her.Amy became a model and was involved in a campaign for Petrichor, a perfume whose name and campaign evoked an adventure with the Doctor. By the time the Doctor and Craig Owens defeated a Cyberman invasion, Amy was famous enough to be seen signing autographs.
After an alternate timeline was reverted, Amy sat in her garden, despondent over the Doctor's death and her own cold-blooded murder of Kovarian. River, fresh from the crash of the Byzantium, arrived to tell Amy the truth behind her lies, including the Doctor's "death". This lifted Amy's spirits until she realised she had been destined to be her best friend's mother-in law since she was seven.
In 2013, the Doctor reunited with Amy and Rory for Christmas.In 2020, Amy and Rory travelled to Cwmtaff to wave at their younger selves.
Alternative timelines
In one timeline, Amy had been abandoned in the Apalapucia facility for over thirty-six years. She was nearly insane from loneliness. She made a sonic probe to help her fight the Handbots and turned one of them into her pet, naming it Rory. When the Doctor and Rory arrived, she refused to help them rescue her past self, but after a talk with her younger self, agreed to help rescue her if she would be taken too. The Doctor betrayed her; only one Amy could be saved. The older Amy gave her existence so her husband and she could have a life together.In another alternate timeline, the Doctor wasn't killed and a fixed point in time was altered. Amy led a group that included Rory and River. They tried to fix time without killing the Doctor. Eventually the timeline was reverted when the Doctor married River and revealed she would be shooting the Teselecta.
Amy was adventurous and reckless, with a dry wit and a stubborn streak. She had a difficult childhood and felt abandoned by the Doctor; she was rarely open with her feelings and often mistrustful and wary. She held people she cared for at arm's length, as she did in her early relationship with Rory and the Doctor upon his return.As a child, Amelia was stoic and able to care for herself. She prayed to Santa Claus for help with the crack in her wall and was unsurprised to meet the Doctor. She lusted for the adventure of travel with him. When he did not return, she grew into a cynical and aggressive young woman.Amy was often flippant in the face of danger, but could let out a terrified scream, as in the forest aboard the Byzantium. She traded barbs with Rosanna Calvierri when facing a forcible blood replacement and cracked jokes while confronting apparent doom on the TARDIS. Amy was flirtatious. In Leadworth she worked as a kissogram. She was sexually attracted to the Doctor Vincent van Gogh and the Roman soldiers at Stonehenge. She tried to seduce the Doctor. Rory claimed she only passed her driving test on her first go because of a revealing skirt. She had no problem being naked in front of the Doctor after a mutation into a butterfly-woman was reversed.
Amy was troubled and lonely. She was often left alone by her aunt Sharon, who refused to deal with her fear of the crack in her wall. After meeting the Doctor, she was obsessed with her "Raggedy Doctor" and refused to believe he was imaginary, biting psychiatrists when they tried to convince her otherwise. Mels, a school troublemaker, her close friend and daughter once pointed out she often misbehaved in school. Despite this, she was a protective, maternal figure for Mels, leading her - while regenerating into River Song after being revealed as Melody Pond - to remark "You got to raise me after all." Amy loved her husband, Rory, passionately and called the Doctor her best friend. Her bond with him was almost religious. She felt he could fix anything. Despite her tough exterior, Amy could not always hide her emotions and was devastated when faced with the loss of loved ones such as Rory, Melody, the Doctor and Vincent van Gogh. She broke down in tears when the Doctor left her on Earth with Rory. In her time on the TARDIS, Amy was heroic, saving the lives of the Doctor, Rory, River and others. She was willing to remain in the clutches of the Silents to let her friends escape Her mind, altered by her growing up with a crack in space and time in her bedroom wall, restored erased beings to the universe using only her memories. She knew time could be rewritten and hoped there was some way to rewrite it to avoid the Doctor's death. . She could remember alternate timelines. Amy could be cruel; she certainly had a ruthless streak. In an alternate timeline, Madame Kovarian was being killed by her eye drive and had gotten it most of the way off; she asked Amy to help her because it was what the Doctor would do. Amy said "He's not here" and put Kovarian's eye drive back on, killing her for having stolen her baby from her. She was later conflicted about this.
Amy Pond was tall and long-legged, inspiring the Doctor to introduce her to the President of the United States as "Code name 'the Legs'". She had coppery red hair, freckles and green eyes. She frequently wore short skirts, often with opaque or coloured tights or leggings. She liked to paint her fingernails in different colours, most often red.
Behind the scenes
Amy is the second consecutive main TV companion to have red hair after Donna Noble. This was noted by the BBC when it issued a statement in response to the 'Ginger controversy' that erupted in early January 2010 due to misinterpretation of a statement made by the Eleventh Doctor upon his regeneration.[1]
Amy Pond is the first televised companion whom the Doctor has had significant onscreen experience with as a child, although others have on occasion been portrayed onscreen in their youth.
Amy Pond is the second character with a water-themed name created by show-runner Steven Moffat after River Song. This is not a coincidence; River is Amy's daughter, and "River" was translated from "Pond". Other writers have employed "liquid" names; non-Moffat characters like Ocean Waters, Jackson Lake, and Adelaide Brooke have appeared in the televised Doctor Who universe.
Amy is the second televised companion to have a Scottish accent, and only the third regularly-appearing Scots character in series history, after Jamie McCrimmon and the Brigadier.
After the premiere of The Eleventh Hour, Amy character was criticised as too sexy for a family programme like Doctor Who. Piers Wenger, executive producer for Series 5, said “The whole kissogramme thing played into Steven’s desire for the companion to be feisty and outspoken and a bit of a number. Amy is probably the wildest companion that the Doctor has travelled with, but she isn’t promiscuous. She is really a two-man woman and that will become clear over the course of the episodes."[2]
Amy Pond is the first series-long BBC Wales companion who wouldn't consider London their hometown.
Amy is the second companion in the new series pursued romantically by a real historical figure. She was proposed to by Vincent van Gogh. William Shakespeare made amorous advances to Martha Jones.
Amy has a fondness for Romans - her husband Rory often dresses as one. Karen Gillan, who plays Amy, also played a Roman priestess in the episode The Fires of Pompeii.
Caitlin Blackwood who plays the younger version of Amy is the cousin of Karen Gillan. The two did not meet until the readthrough of DW: The Eleventh Hour.
Caitlin Blackwood has blue eyes while Karen Gillan has green eyes. This doesn't necessarily cause a continuity error as in real life people have been known to have their eye colour change over time.
Amy's last name post-Big Bang has been subject to debate in fan circles as to whether she is now Amy Williams. As indicated in the closing credits of episodes produced in Series 6, she has kept her maiden name. There has been at least one case of an expanded universe production breaking from this: the audiobook NSA: The Eye of the Jungle refers to Amy as Amy Williams.
According to the non-narrative source REF: The Brilliant Book 2012, Amy became a renegade to give the Silents a false sense of security, travelling to North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington and Idaho to find more about them. It also says that to prepare for when Canton tried to "kill" her, she was given cryostasis podlets to feign death.
The Brilliant Book 2012 stated that Amy and Rory's other unchronicled honeymoon destinations included meeting William Shakespeare in 1605, having a picnic in the bee-infested Gardens of Zul-Thep in 3104, and encounter with Wyatt Earp and a cactus and an adventure involving acid-spitting land squids on Drago14.
Amy is in rare company as one of the only companions to have been present (to date) in every televised story of a given incarnation of the Doctor, sharing the distinction only with Rose Tyler (with the Ninth Doctor) and Grace Holloway (with the Eighth Doctor).
Donna Temple-Noble | ||
Main aliases: | The DoctorDonna, Donna McAvoy, Spartacus | |
Species: | Time Lord, Human | |
Place of origin: | Chiswick, London, England | |
Appearances: | Full list of appearances | |
Main actor: | Catherine Tate |
Contents |
Donna Noble was the only daughter of Geoff and Sylvia Noble and the granddaughter of Wilfred and Eileen Mott. On her first day at school, she was sent home for biting . When she was six, her mother refused to take her on holiday. Undaunted, Donna got on a bus and went on her own to Strathclyde. Her grandfather would later remind her of this incident to buck her up (DW: Partners in Crime). She was a lifelong supporter of West Ham United. Donna's career consisted mainly of temp jobs. She worked in a library for a while and at some point before June 2007 for two years at a double-glazing firm . She missed the Christmas Day Sycorax invasion of Earth due to a hangover and the Cybermen invasion because she was scuba diving in Spain. Consequently, she was unprepared for alien life when she first encountered it. In June 2007, Donna had the choice of being a full-time secretary for Jival Chowdry or a temporary secretary at H.C. Clements, a security firm. Although she considered the former at her mother's insistence, an accident blocked the traffic in the direction of Jival Chowdry, so instead of waiting in a traffic jam, she decided to work for Clements
At Clements, she fell in love with Lance Bennett, whom she pressured into marriage. She planned the wedding unaware that Lance was dosing her coffee with Huon particles by order of the Empress of the Racnoss, whom he secretly served
Meeting the Doctor
Joining the Doctor
Travels with the Doctor
After leaving home, Donna and the Doctor went to Pompeii on the day Vesuvius erupted in 79. She tried to convince him to stop the eruption but he called it impossible. She was ultimately responsible for the eruption with the Doctor, and she convinced the Doctor to save one family from the devastation.They next went to the Ood Sphere in 4126, and discovered the Ood's servitude was caused by the Ood's forebrain removed, and the "third element", the controlling Ood Brain being blocked. As they helped free the Ood Brain's field, Donna befriended a few of them. As they parted, Ood Sigma referred to Donna as DoctorDonna, Donna not realising the significance.
She met Agatha Christie in 1926 and killed a Vespiform by throwing the Firestone into a lake to save Agatha's life. During this adventure, she influenced the creation of Miss Marple and Murder on the Orient Express by mentioning them to Christie years before they were created; although Christie's memories of the incident were wiped, some unconscious memories remained. The TARDIS suddenly shifted course to a planet known as the Library in the 51st century, thanks to a message sent on the psychic paper by River Song, the Doctor's future wife, who was aware of but had never met Donna. Donna also befriended Miss Evangelista, an expedition member who was killed by the Vashta Nerada. Donna's consciousness was "saved" to the planet-core-sized hard drive by CAL when the Doctor tried to transport her to the TARDIS. Inside the hard drive, Donna disjointedly experienced several years of an idyllic married life and had two children within the space of a few minutes of real time, thanks to the memory alterations of the Doctor Moon. When River sacrificed her life to rescue the "saved" people inside the hard drive, Donna assumed that her husband "Lee McAvoy" was just a part of her simulation like her children were. "Lee" was teleported away before he could reach her. On a visit to the planet Shan Shen, Donna was distracted by a fortune teller while a Time Beetle leapt on her back and changed her history. She had never taken the action which led her to meet the Doctor, creating an alternate world. In the alternate world, Rose gave the alternate Donna a message for the Doctor. In the alternate timeline, Donna died restoring reality. Her "normal timeline" version barely remembered the message from Rose, and Donna gave the Doctor her message: "Bad Wolf"
Against the Daleks
Donna and the Doctor rushed to Earth in 2009, only to find it gone, and then to the Shadow Proclamation for help. They traced the Earth, along with 26 other missing planets, to the Medusa Cascade. As the Doctor reunited with Rose, he was shot by a Dalek and rushed into the TARDIS, along with Rose and Jack.
After assisting the Doctor in exiling the Meta-Crisis Doctor to Pete's World and saying farewell to Rose, Donna's mind overloaded, a consequence of the unbearable Time Lord-human meta-crisis. To save her life, the Doctor wiped her memories of all their adventures.
Back to Earth
Alternate timeline
Donna Noble | |||
Species: | Human | ||
Place of origin: | Alternate Earth | ||
Appearances: | DW: Turn Left | ||
Main actor: | Catherine Tate |
In her original timeline, Donna had simply ignored her mother's advice in June 2007 regarding a job for Jival Chowdry and went to work as a temp for H.C. Clements. Because of interference by the Trickster's Brigade however, an alternate timeline was created where Donna chose to work for Chowdry instead. She was promoted to his personal assistant that December, when she saw the Racnoss Webstar attack central London. There, she saw the deceased Tenth Doctor carried away by UNIT troops and a blonde woman, Rose Tyler, arrive, apparently by mistake.Over the next two years Donna met Rose at several alien encounters which the Doctor would have prevented in the "correct" timeline had he not died in 2007.After Mr Chowdry laid off Donna, she won a trip to Firbourne House on on a raffle ticket she found with the office supplies she had taken. While there over Christmas 2008, the Titanic crashed into London, destroying it. Donna's family was relocated to Leeds.Rose knew she need Donna as well as the Doctor to stop the stars from going out throughout the multiverse as timelines had been converging on Donna since her birth. In 2009, Donna agreed to be sent back to June 2007 in a jury-rigged time machine; her task was to prevent her younger self from "turning right" and taking the fatal job with Chowdry. Unable to get there in time, the alternate Donna Noble threw herself in front of a lorry to cause a traffic jam that would physically prevent her younger self from making that decision. Just before her death, Rose appeared to Donna and gave herd a message for the Doctor. When the timeline was restored, Donna Noble retained dreamlike memories of the alternate timeline, including the blonde woman and her message to the Doctor: "Bad Wolf".
Known family/offspring of Donna Noble:
Wilfred Mott - grandfather
Eileen Mott - grandmother, deceased
Geoff Noble - father, deceased c. 2008
Sylvia Noble - mother
Shaun Temple - husband
Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor - "son"
CAL's world
Lee McAvoy - husband
Ella McAvoy - daughter
Joshua McAvoy - son
Donna worked as a temp secretary in several places, including H.C. Clements and a double glazing firm. She worked for health and safety for a week and kept the ID card. At some point she worked for six months at Hounslow Library, where she learned Dewey Decimal System in two days.
Donna's first encounter with the Doctor was bewildering for both: the Doctor was shocked into speechlessness by her sudden appearance in his TARDIS; Donna was furious with him for "kidnapping" her. Though Donna's sharp tongue and hair-trigger temper kept the Doctor at arm's length for most of their first adventure, quieter moments showed a more level-headed and perceptive woman. Although she sometimes appeared unintelligent and persistently referred to herself as 'only a temp', she was actually quite smart: she mastered the Dewey Decimal System in two days of work at a library.When she joined the Doctor in his journeys, her quick and sometimes dry, wit often came out, syncing with his own. Though most companions were, to some degree, the Doctor's conscience, Donna adopted this role more openly and forcefully than her predecessors. She pleaded with the Doctor to save the inhabitants of Pompeii - if not all of them, then a single family. Donna insisted that the Doctor acknowledge Jenny as his daughter, no matter how she was created or what job she was trained for.
Behind the scenes
The name Donna Noble was not revealed to the public until promotional material began to circulate for The Runaway Bride. In the closing credits of Doomsday, the character is only identified as "The Bride".
In DW: Let's Kill Hitler, Donna briefly appears (after Rose Tyler and Martha Jones) as a possible voice-print interface for the Doctor in the TARDIS. He rejects them all, claiming they all give him guilt, finally setting on a younger Amelia Pond. This shows the Doctor still feels guilt for what happened to Donna.
A deleted scene from Journey's End included in the Series 4 DVD box set showed Donna, after her mind-wipe, reacting with recognition to the sound of the departing TARDIS, but dismissing it.
Doctor Noble was an alias of the Third Doctor.
If her appearance in DW: Doomsday is counted as the end of Series 2, and her appearance in The Runaway Bride is counted as the beginning of Series 3, she has in fact appeared in three series, four, if one includes the 2009 specials separately from Series 4. This makes her the only companion to appear in all series of the Tenth Doctor.
Donna is the focus of both main trailers released prior to the debut of Series 4. The first trailer also shown in cinemas incorporated dialogue scenes from Partners in Crime featuring Donna talking to her grandfather about the Doctor. The second trailer used a specially shot scene of Donna sitting by a bonfire talking to an unseen individual or the audience about the Doctor "coming back to save us" and "I'll be ready" interspersed with images of Sontarans, Ood and Daleks. There is no scene like this in any of the episodes; the meaning of "he'll come back to save us" is unknown as there is no circumstance within Series 4 in which Donna would be in such a position to make such a remark. Some fans pointed out the trailer's similarity in format to one for a 1990s movie called The Usual Suspects in which a main character is not what he seems; much of the speculation over the true nature of Donna's character, including speculation that she might have been Davros or the Master in disguise, stemmed from this trailer.
Due to timing and her short tenure on the series, Donna appears in only two comic strip stories published in Doctor Who Magazine, and two Doctor Who comics by IDW Publishing.
Russell T Davies has stated that he sees Donna as how the First Doctor companion Barbara Wright would be presented today. (REF: The Writer's Tale)
In the commentary for The End of Time, Russell T Davies stated that Donna's wedding to Shaun Temple takes place in Spring 2010.
As of 2012, Donna was the only season-long companion of the revival not to end up working for some kind of Earth-based anti-alien intelligence force after parting company with the Doctor. (Jack = Torchwood Three, Rose = Parallel Torchwood One, Mickey = Parallel Torchwood One, then later freelance, Martha = UNIT, Torchwood, and later freelance, Amy = unknown force that fought the Silence in River Song's World). On meeting Martha, Donna asking the Doctor if he turned all his companions into soldiers.
In a very crude translation, the name "Donna Temple-Noble" means "Lady Time-Lord" (Donna is Italian for Lady, one meaning of the word Temple finds origin in the Latin Tempus, and Noble means "of noble birth, such as a Lord or a royal.")
Martha Jones
Martha Jones | |||
Main aliases: | Samantha Jones, Greyhound 6, Good Grill | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Place of origin: | London | ||
First seen in: | Smith and Jones | ||
Appearances: | Full List of Appearances | ||
Main actor: | Freema Agyeman |
Dr. Martha Jones (later Martha Smith-Jones after marrying Mickey Smith) was a British freelance alien hunter. She began her career as a medical student before becoming a companion to the Tenth Doctor and later a medical officer with UNIT. She also worked briefly with Torchwood 3.
Martha Jones was born in 1986 to Francine and Clive Jones. She had an older sister called Tish, a younger brother, Leo, and a niece, Keisha Jones. When she was a child, Leo pushed Martha off the swing and broke her arm. Going in the ambulance and having her arm plastered fascinated her. She decided to be a doctor right then. Martha's parents divorced when she was young. Her siblings and she grew up with their mother. Martha slept in their home's smallest room. Martha was forced to play peacekeeper in continual family arguments. In 2007, she lost her cousin Adeola Oshodi, who word for Torchwood One in the Battle of Canary Wharf.
With the Tenth Doctor
First Meeting :
Martha studied medicine and worked as a student doctor under Mr. Stoker at the Royal Hope Hospital in London, England. In 2008, the hospital was transported to the Moon by the Judoon. Calm while those around her panicked, Martha worked with the Tenth Doctor, posing as a patient named John Smith, to track down the Plasmavore, "Florence Finnegan", for whom the Judoon were searching.
As the oxygen in the hospital ran out, Martha gave her last breaths to resuscitate the clinically-dead Doctor, who had thwarted Florence's plan. The Judoon returned the hospital to Earth. That evening, after another family argument at her brother Leo's party, a recovered Martha was approached by the Doctor, who revealed that he was a Time Lord and invited her to join him on a single trip through time and space in the TARDIS. , though he kept extending this "single trip".
After the Cult of Skaro's defeat, the Doctor returned Martha home twelve hours after she had left. He overheard a TV news story about a man promising to "change what it means to be human", and escorted her to the presentation of Prof. Richard Lazarus' rejuvenation device. Uncovering the disastrous effects of Lazarus' work, the Doctor, Martha and her sister Tish helped to kill the monster Lazarus had become. Afterward, the Doctor offered Martha one more trip, but she refused. She no longer wanted to be just a passenger. The Doctor invited her on board the TARDIS, as a full-time companion. They answered a distress signal in the 42nd century Torajii system: a ship falling towards the sun. The sun was a sentient being possessing the crew members and killing them off, but Martha and the Doctor saved the ship and departed safely. During this adventure, Martha had a brief romance with one of the ship's crew, Riley Vashtee. He wanted her to stay but she chose to remain with the Doctor.
The Year That Never Was
UNIT career
Work with Torchwood
Back at UNIT, she got engaged to her boyfriend, Thomas Milligan, though he left Britain for a while to go to Africa.
Reunion with the Doctor
Fighting the Daleks
Martha moved to New York after promotion to the post of Medical Director on Project Indigo, a teleport device using recovered Sontaran technology. Whilst she was working at UNIT HQ in New York City, Earth was transported to the Medusa Cascade.
After the Earth was returned to its proper place, Martha exited the TARDIS with Jack Harkness, who offered her a job with Torchwood. She did not take Jack's offer to work for Torchwood, but stayed with UNIT.She phoned Captain Jack when stationed at the CERN Facility in Switzerland when the Large Hadron Collider was scheduled to be activated. Some of the staff had gone missing, including her old friend Julia Swayles. The Torchwood 3 team went to Switzerland to investigate and found the person who was responsible was Dr. Harrington. By the time the 456 incident began, she was on her honeymoon. She decided to go into "freelance" alien fighting with Mickey Smith, whom she had married. One adventure saw Martha and Mickey battle a Sontaran, Jask. Unknown to them, Jask had them cornered and was about to kill them. The Doctor stepped in and knocked out Jask, saving them as his final gift to them prior to his next regeneration . Martha spotted the Doctor. They called out to him, but he walked away without saying a word. As the TARDIS left, Martha embraced her husband sadly, possibly realising what the Doctor's appearance meant. Martha occasionally went back to UNIT, however, filling in for her friend Malcolm Taylor as London's Scientific Advisor.She called in the Eleventh Doctor to assist the Japanese branch of UNIT with investigating a mysterious beverage. This was Martha's first interaction with the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor.
Donna's World
If Donna Noble had turned right for a job interview instead of turning left, Martha would still have been working in the Royal Hope Hospital at the time that the hospital was moved to the moon by the Judoon. In this timeline, she would have met Sarah Jane and Luke Smith, as well as Maria Jackson and Clyde Langer, as they investigated the hospital. When the oxygen ran out, everyone in the hospital, including Martha, would be left to die of suffocation. She would have given the last oxygen tank to fellow student Oliver Morgenstern before dying, leaving him the only survivor.
Martha was a friendly, intelligent, brave and good-spirited woman. When she was a prisoner of the Daleks, one of them confirmed that she possessed high intelligence. The Doctor was impressed with her theory about having air on the Moon, and he asked her to join him in the hospital balcony to see if they could breathe. Although the Doctor asked more of her than any other companion (watching after him while he was human, walking the world for a year), she rose to every challenge. Martha quickly developed a crush on the Doctor and always wondered if he even noticed her. Martha was envious of Joan Redfern when the Doctor made himself human and fell in love with her, She said he "had to go and fall in love with a human, and it wasn't me".In The Year That Never Was, Martha admitted that she loved the Doctor, but after the Master's defeat, she decided that holding on to the hope that he would return her feelings was not good for her. She was later engaged to Tom, and for unexplained reasons married Mickey Smith instead.Although she had cause to be jealous of Rose Tyler, Martha seemed genuinely happy for the Doctor when he and Rose were reunited. She got along very well with Donna Noble. After the year that never was, Martha became a close friend of Captain Jack Harkness and although she did not seem to return his overtures, she did not mind when he flirted with her
Other information
The length of time Martha spent travelling with the Doctor during her first adventures in the TARDIS has never been defined, but is known to include approximately three months spent in 1913 a year in an alternate timeline and two months trapped in 1969.
While investigating the Pharm for Torchwood, she posed as an applicant to join a medical study. While doing so, she adopted the name Samantha Jones. Coincidentally, the Eighth Doctor had had a companion named Sam Jones.
There is an account that suggests that the Doctor and she were separated -- for only a few hours from Martha's perspective, but for nearly three years from his.
There is an unconfirmed piece of information that suggests Martha was born in 1984, making her twenty-five in 2009. comic, Martha was fluent in German although she spoke it with a noticeable English accent
Martha was UNIT number 56671.
Martha had a tattoo on her upper right arm; she is one of the only companions known to have such markings besides Mickey Smith although the third incarnation of the Doctor was also seen to sport a tattoo soon after his regeneration
Martha had a particular fondness for milkshakes and early in her travels with the Doctor she asked him to help her find the ultimate milkshake.
Martha's race only rarely was a factor in her travels. She had some trepidation on landing in Elizabethan England and Shakespeare, who became attracted to her, referred to her as his "Dark Lady" - the mysterious subject (perhaps allegorical) of many of his sonnets . She also endured mistreatment while living as a maid in 1913 England
Behind the scenes
Freema Agyeman was the first black female companion on Doctor Who.
The arm tattoo sported by Martha is Agyeman's own real-life tattoo. Although Agyeman has been described as the first major DoctorWho cast member to be so adorned, in fact Jon Pertwee was seen sporting an arm tattoo and
Martha's last scene in Journey's End was interpreted as opening the door for a possible return to Torchwood. Although there were unconfirmed rumours that Agyeman was seen at a Torchwood filming location, she did not appear in the Children of Earth miniseries; she was referenced in dialogue as being still with UNIT. Her subsequent appearance at the end of DW: The End of Time again fueled speculation of a possible future Torchwood appearance, which did not come about in the revived Torchwood.
Interestingly, the name 'Martha Jones', is an anagram of 'A Master John'. The part saying 'Master', is possibly referencing the Master, that appeared in the finale of Series Three . And the part 'John', is coincidentally the name of the actor (John Simm) who plays the Master in the Series Three Finale.
Russell T Davies originally intended for Martha to appear in both the Torchwood: Children of Earth miniseries and Enemy of the Bane, the series 2 finale of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Freema Agyeman's casting in the ITV series Law & Order: UK resulted initially in her Torchwood appearance being reduced to a cameo, and then eliminated completely (along with an appearance by Mickey Smith). Later, her schedule also precluded Agyeman from appearing in Sarah Jane, resulting in Nicholas Courtney returning as The Brigadier instead. (REF: Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter) Had she appeared in these two productions, she would have been the first major character to play an important role in Doctor Who and both of its direct spin-offs (even including the Doctor, who to date has not appeared in Torchwood).
Martha seems to be a popular character for writers to have impersonated by someone else. Aside from the TV story DW: The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky, in which a clone was created, IDW: The Forgotten, a comic story arc, and two instalments of the BBC Writers' Comics online series all featured plotlines involving fake Marthas.
Martha is the only regular companion in the revived series not to be in a Christmas Special.
The commentary for DW: The End of Time revealed that her honeymoon mentioned in TW: Children of Earth: Day One referred to her marriage with Mickey Smith, although this was never referenced on-screen.
"Martha's Theme" is included in the Doctor Who: Original Television Soundtrack: Series 3. Her name appears in three other tracks on the disc, "Only Martha Knows", "Martha's Quest" and "Martha Triumphant".
Rose Tyler
Rose Marion Tyler | ||
Main aliases: | The Bad Wolf, Dame Rose of the Powell Estate | |
Species: | Human | |
Place of origin: | London | |
First seen in: | Rose | |
Appearances: | Full List of Appearances | |
Main actor: | Billie Piper | |
Other TV actors: | Julia Joyce |
Early life
She attended Jericho Street Junior School and Jericho Street Comprehensive, where she joined the gymnastics team, and won a bronze medal in competition. She performed decently in her GCSEs (one A, two Bs, four Cs and a D in science) and planned to do A-Levels (in English, French and Art). However, she left school to pursue a romantic relationship with local Jimmy Stone, which ended badly. Several times in her childhood, she was visited and watched over by her future friend, Captain Jack Harkness, who had been temporally displaced by a fault on his vortex manipulator. Jack did not say hello to avoid damaging the timeline. When Rose was in her late teens, she and her mother, Jackie, were living in the Powell Estate (Flat 48, Bucknall House, Powell Estate, London, SE15 7G0) in South London. Rose worked as a shop assistant at Henrik's Department Store in London's Regent Street, while Jackie worked from home as a hairdresser. Before she met the Doctor, Rose's only travelling experience was a school trip to France and an annual week's holiday to South Wales with her mother. She entered into a relationship with Mickey Smith some time before 2005.
With the Doctor
First meeting
Joining the Doctor
Travels with the Ninth Doctor
Bad Wolf
Travels with the Tenth Doctor
On the SS Madame de Pompadour in the 51st century, the Doctor, Rose and Mickey travelled into a time window to 1744 France. She discovered the ship's repair droids had been using the ship's crew as components to repair the ship. Their final "part" was the brain of Reinette Poisson, who wasn't yet "complete". When the droids found the Reinette at the correct part of her life, Rose travelled through a time window into 1753 to warn her of an oncoming attack some time after her 37th birthday in 1758, explaining to Reinette that this wasn't how history was supposed to happen.Rose showed signs of jealousy when the Doctor was attracted to Reinette. The Doctor exploited this jealousy to save her life when her mind was invaded by a creature called the Iagnon. Around this time, Rose died in the 31st century during an incident with a time loop, but was immediately resurrected when the time loop reset itself. On a parallel version of Earth later called "Pete's World" after Pete Tyler, Rose met a version of her father, this Earth's "namesake". He had not died, but had become a successful businessman. In this parallel universe, Pete and Jackie Tyler never had a daughter named Rose. They did, however, have a dog with the same name.Mickey left the TARDIS to live a new life on Pete's World fighting the Cybermen there and caring for his grandmother, who had died in his home universe from a fall.
As Davros' reality bomb weakened the barriers between universes, Rose used a dimension cannon to find either the Doctor or Donna Noble and warn them about the oncoming darkness.
Obeying Rose's instructions, Donna was sent back to force her past self to turn left, not right on that fateful day in June 2007, so that she would work at H.C. Clements and meet the Doctor six months later. When Donna did so, at the cost of her life in that timeline, Rose held her as she died and whispered a message for the Doctor: Bad Wolf.
Defending the Earth
In 2009, Rose teleported to her native world, finding it being invaded by Daleks and transported across the universe. She found Sylvia and Donna's grandfather Wilf, hoping they knew where the Doctor and Donna were. Harriet Jones appeared on Wilf's computer. Rose assumed Harriet was trying to contact her, but when she tried to reply, found it impossible as there was no camera or microphone on the computer; Harriet spoke to Sarah Jane, Jack and Martha Jones. Rose watched on as they brought the Doctor to Earth, then used her transmat device to lock onto the TARDIS and teleport to him.She arrived in a deserted street with the Doctor and Donna at the other end. The Doctor and Rose ran towards each other, but a Dalek fired upon the Doctor, mortally wounding him. With Donna and Jack's help, she got him in to the TARDIS where he began to regenerate.The Doctor managed to retain his tenth form by pouring the regeneration energy into his severed hand. This, with the help of Donna, eventually created a new, part-human Doctor.
After Donna and the newly-created Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor defeated the New Dalek Empire, the Doctor returned her to the parallel Earth along with her mother but this time without Mickey, who decided to return home.The original Doctor exiled the new Doctor on the parallel Earth; he was bred in battle, killing all the Daleks, and too dangerous to leave on his own. He told Rose she was the only one who could make him a better man, as she had before with him. Rose was reluctant to stay back but the original Doctor said that the new Doctor had all his memories and thoughts, and was "him," albeit part human. The part-human Doctor had only one heart, would age, and would never regenerate. He told her he could spend his life with her, if she wanted him to, and they could grow old together. Rose asked both Doctors what the last thing they would have said to her would have been when she was first trapped on the parallel Earth. The original Doctor asked, "Does it need saying?", but the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor whispered something to her. Hearing the words, Rose flung herself on the Meta-Crisis Doctor and the original Doctor left with Donna. The Doctor remembered Rose and felt guilty about what he had done to her, well into his eleventh incarnation.
Rose was a sweet, gentle and sympathetic young woman. She was quick to adapt to strange events. She had her mother's acerbic wit and was not hesitant to use it. She fell easily into the role of the Doctor's latest companion and was brave facing various alien threats. She cared deeply about the Doctor, although she originally denied any sexual or romantic feelings towards him despite indications to the contrary. In what seemed their final meeting on the beach, she told the Doctor that she loved him; he began to reply, but only got out the words "Rose Tyler" before he was cut off. She was easily willing to kill the Doctor's enemies Rose was willing to call the Doctor out when he was wrong. When the Doctor brushed aside the danger that Jackie was in when faced with a Slitheen, Rose reminded him the woman he was discussing was her mother. She was horrified the Doctor would allow the Gelth to use human corpses as a vessel for their consciousness. The Doctor's failure to listen to Rose's human plea of respect for their dead led to at least two deaths when the Gelth proved to be malicious.
Rose had a jealous streak when it came to the Doctor. She and the Doctor's former companion, Sarah Jane Smith, traded barbs over who was the "best companion" but they became good friends afterwards, and happily greeted each other at their reunion on the Crucible. Rose was willing to sacrifice herself for the Doctor or the common good. When faced with the choice of dying or saving the world, Rose instructed the Doctor to do what he had to do to save everyone else. This was a common theme in Rose's story; despite the risk of plunging into the Void and an eternity of nothingness, she let go of a magnetic hold to set a lever right and seal the Cybermen and Daleks away from her world. It was only the sudden appearance of her father from the parallel world that saved her from that fate, but ultimately led to her separation from the Doctor.
Behind the scenes
- "Tyler" is a common name in the works of writer and producer Russell T Davies, who has used it as the surname of a family that features heavily in his Virgin New Adventures Doctor Who novel, Damaged Goods. He has also used the name as the surname for several other characters in various series, such as Ruth Tyler in Revelations, Vince Tyler in Queer as Folk, and Johnny Tyler in The Second Coming.
- Among those who auditioned for the role of Rose Tyler was actress Georgia Moffett, daughter of Fifth Doctor actor Peter Davison. Moffett later played Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, in DW: The Doctor's Daughter and then voiced Cassie Rice in the animated special DW: Dreamland.
- The title of the first episode of Series 1, Rose, is a references to the character's name and she is the first character to appear in that episode. Therefore, she is also simultaneously the first character to appear in Series 1 and the first to be seen in a Doctor Who television episode for nine years (the interval between the 1996 Doctor Who television movie and Rose).
- After Rose was written out of Doctor Who at the end of Series 2, Russell T Davies considered giving the character her own 90-minute spin-off production, Rose Tyler: Earth Defence, with the possibility of such a special becoming an annual Bank Holiday event. Although the special was officially commissioned, Davies changed his mind and decided that such a return, wherein the audience would be able to see Rose when the Doctor could not, would spoil her final scenes in Doctor Who. The production was consequently cancelled.
- Sam Tyler, the lead character in the BBC's other time-travel drama, Life on Mars, was named after Rose. Reportedly, the lead character's surname was suggested by the young daughter of Life of Mars co-creator, Matthew Graham, after her father had asked her to choose the character's surname. She ultimately decided upon "Tyler" because of Rose, a fact only later discovered by her father, who eventually wrote the Doctor Who episode Fear Her. Sam Tyler is played by John Simm, who is also the sixth onscreen incarnation of the Master. Ironically, the Master and Rose never actually met. In the US production of Life on Mars, Sam Tyler's mother is named Rose.
- News of Rose's return to the series leaked out during early production of the fourth series when photographs of her on set appeared on websites and in the press. After initial denials by the BBC, promotion for the season incorporated images of Rose Tyler. In an interview with Doctor Who Confidential aired in conjunction with Turn Left, Billie Piper revealed that the decision to bring Rose back had in fact been made when she left the series in 2006, and she had to mislead journalists and fans for the next year to keep Rose's return a surprise. Rose's first appearance in Series 4 is a surprise cameo at the end of Partners in Crime, a scene shot during production of Turn Left and veiled in such secrecy that advance review copies of the episode had the scene edited out and, unlike many other aspects of the series (such as Rose's ultimate return), was broadcast without having been the subject of Internet spoilers. In a later interview with Doctor Who Magazine, Davies indicated the original plan was for Rose to not appear again until Turn Left, but on learning how well the cameo went over with viewers, at the last minute he inserted brief, silent images of Rose into The Poison Sky and Midnight; the scene was filmed for Midnight and was scripted. Davies added it to The Poison Sky before it was broadcast. As with Partners in Crime, the Poison Sky cameo was not included in review copies. Billie Piper receives screen credit for her appearances in Poison Sky and Midnight.
- Rose Tyler, along with the Tenth Doctor, had a cameo appearance in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight comic, No Future for You Part One.
- "Rose's Theme" is included on the Doctor Who: Original Television Soundtrack. Her name appears in the titles of two other tracks on the disc, "Rose in Peril" and "Rose Defeats the Daleks".
- Rose is in rare company as one of the only companions to have been present in every televised story of a given incarnation of the Doctor, to date sharing the distinction only with Grace Holloway (with the Eighth Doctor) and Amy Pond (with the Eleventh Doctor).
The Doctor twice states onscreen that Rose is nineteen years old. ). It is later established she left with the Doctor on 6 March 2005 If the Doctor was speaking with precision, she must have been born in 1985 or prior to 4 March 1986, though he might not have known her real age or was fibbing.However, a Doctor Who Annual 2006 article states that Rose was born on 27 April 1987. Although this contradicts the age stated on screen (she would have been seventeen when she met the Doctor), it is consistent with the appearance of the baby Rose in Father's Day, set in November 1987, where the baby is no more than a few months old.The 27 April birth date is also possibly inconsistent with an obscure statement once made on the BBC's website. In the lead-up to the broadcast of the episode, DW: Bad Wolf, the website was altered to tie in with the story's Big Brother theme. In this week-long iteration of the site, a "contestant portrait" for Rose stated that she was an Aries. According to one astrological system, this would mean she was, contrary to the annual, born between 21 March and 19 April. According to another, of which Rose could well have been aware, she could have been an Aries if born on 27 April.
Grow your own TARDIS
The original script of the Bad Wolf Bay scene in DW: Journey's End contained an excerpt, in which the Tenth Doctor gave the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor and Rose a piece of TARDIS coral, and Donna told them how to increase the rate of growth so that they could travel the stars in the parallel universe, "as it should be". This scene was removed in the final cut for complicating the scene too much. It was, however, mentioned in The Doctor's Data section of Doctor Who Adventures magazine, and in DWM 398. Russell T Davies states that it is fine to assume this part of the scene did actually occur. The scene is included on the Series 4 DVD Box Set.
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