Saturday 9 March 2013

pt.2 of time war from 8th doctors perspective... final piece to come

                                    pt. 2

8 stood tall and silent his hands hidden within the pockerts of his trousers as he looked out at the remenants of the kasterborous galaxy that had once held his home planet of gallifrey. did he regret what he did so long ago? the answer was yes he did regret it but he had known long before the time war had even begun that he would be the cause of their ultimate demise. 8 turned his back on the dust and rocks that floated through space and shut the tardis doors behind him. walking over to the console he plotted a course for the medusa cascade and dropped down in the wide leather chair just across the way. 8 knew that by going there he would be both a participant
and a watcher of what was to happen. when the tardis arrived at their destination he used the sonic to switch on the circular monitor and left the cascade to show the past flicker across the screen. before the war began the high council under the president's orders used both reality bombs and misinformation camps  as a way of hiding the truth of the war from the people. days before the War begins, the first Type 90 TARDISes are deployed. They are massive brass colored spheres with their Time Lord operator permanently installed in with in them. This spacific kind of tardis was designed so that it could block off areas of time & space from enterance or exit from any
other time traveler including their own people should they need to. The could in dire circumstances cause severe or untold damage to time and space but for the most part they were used to block access to the areas where the time war raged unfetered. Their design also made them hidden from view by all others since they had no weapons of any kind but even those tardises could be destroyed so easily. They were also equipped with ChaoticLimiters, which adjust the pilot's affect on time "by changing his or her reality quotient.”  in nonrmal circumstances such a tardis would have been used for scoutclass missions but in the case of the war they were positioned in
strategic areas to give the time lords the best advantage.Other tardies used in the battel were the warships with the massive spires of gold with corkscdrews at their tips which could be used as a battering ram when it was needed they were also powered by plack holes. they even tried to prevent the rise of the daleks by sending be back during my 4th incarnation while the daleks fought their thousand year war to stop their creation and if not to at least prevent their development an make them less aggressive.. it was not to be and the daleks believed that by preventing their evolution by a thousand years was enough to start the war...

                                                                                           The Begining...

as i leave the terran solar system and head off out into the nether space the tardis picks up a call from home... "all time lords and tardises must return to gallifrey immediatly....." on hearing the beginings of this transmition i turn off the reciever as i know what is coming without even listening to it. the time war was begining and the daleks were making their advances throughout the stars exterminating everything and anyone that crossed their path en route to my home planet situated in the kasterborous galaxy. Though i do not want to return and face destiny i know in my hearts that destiny must take place as i know it to be a fixed point in time that MUST BE! so with my hearts filled
with remorse and regret at would i would come to do i returned hom to gallifrey where i would be placed on the front lines during the war. i would bare witness to daveros the daleks creator being swallowed up at the gates of elysium by the naightmare childe. the could've been king with his army of meanwhiles and neverweres, the hoarde or travesties, the skaro degridations and the fall of arcadia...

                                                                                          The Conflict...

a total of 10 million dalek flying saucers made up the main force of the fleet that was sent at the begining of the war. And it was not until i witnessed the death of an innocent child at the hands of the daleks that i joined the time war on the front lines. the sontaran race though not a part of the time war would mythacize that i was the time lord that led the time lords into battle.* let them think as they will who was leading the battle i was just one of many thats all...By the end of the 1st year of the war Daveros creator of the dalek race was killed at the gates of elysium when his command ship flew into the  jaws of the nightmare childe. And though i did try to save him aat the time i failed and it
was not until a dalek by the name of cann flew unprotected into the time vortex when i would be in my 10 incarnation of myself that daveros would be free. Dalek Cann would be driven insane by all that he went through and saw as he brought daveros out of the time war and he would make many a prophacy that would come to pass but those are irrelevant at the present time as i say that is for my future incarnation to experience.  right now i am in my 8th form so we will deal with those experiences...

As the was raged across time and space many a species and many a world or galaxy paid the price from the lower life forms to the hight celestial ones. places and those that resided on them that would fall during the war were: the entire chain of Hotel Historia, Polymos & Klox too were destroyed which would create in the case of klox the klox nebula in its place. The battlefield i myself was at which would come to fall was ARCADIA... millions would die and return to life over and over again during the heart of the war as it raged. The time lords would bring back during this time my oldest friend and enemy The Master believing him to be an excellent soldier but when the
dalek emperor took the cruiciform he turned adn ran in fear leaving his people to live and die over and over again... So they made the untimate sacrifice and brought Rassilon back to lead them and win the war, to save gallifrey and its people...

there were secrets on all sides during the war from the daleks to my own people. millions of daleks would be lost in the battle due to prisonships the time lords made that the daleks would wipe out without realizing it..only one prisonship would remain and it would be used during the battle of canary wharf in the future and again the daleks would lose the battle that they would begin between themselves and the cybermen. my future self would deal with that so put that aside...



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