Sunday 24 February 2013

a bit on the 8th doctor

(the bit of writing with [[** **]] is from the tardis wiki, i borrowed it. the rest of the writing is my own)

New Year's Day at 12:00am now the year is 2000. The master is dead finally consumed by the eye of harmony at the center of the tardis. As the 8th Doctor kneels on the floor next to the dead bodies of chan lee and grace holloway the tardis as the eye closes emits life and both young humans awake from death to see the doctor smiling down at them. As they gain their footing the doctor walks towards the console and pulls the lever and the tardis rematerializes at a man made lake in a San Fransico park and the three exit the tardis as fireworks shower the early morning skyline.

[[ **Lee gives the Doctor his bag and the Doctor delights at his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor tells Lee to keep the gold dust that the master had given him and that next Christmas Lee should take a vacation, "just don't be here." Lee catches on and thanks him and says goodbye to him and Grace. Grace wonders if that is more interfering. It is. He starts to warn her about something, "Grace, there's something you should know" Grace stops him, saying that she knows who she is, and that’s enough. He asks her to come with him, but she asks him to come with her. He calls that offer tempting. The two of them kiss amid the fireworks in the night sky. The Doctor goes and the TARDIS vanishes. The TARDIS pulls away from Earth and enters the time vortex. The Doctor emerges from under the console, fixing some more things, thinking it sounds better, and begins to wonder where to go next. He listens to a record of old on an old record player and sits to have some tea and read a book. Suddenly the record starts to skip on the word TIME again and the Doctor moans, 'Oh no, not again.' **]]

The clanging sounds of a multitude of clocks can be heard as the tardis spirals overly fast off into the darkness of space. Apon the floor now lies the empty tea cup and a jar of jelly babies lay scattered around. The doctor gaining his footing reached out for and grabbed hold of the tardis console just as she spirals off in a new direction. It took some time but eventually he manages to fix everything that was wrong and steps back with a sigh as the tardis now spirals at her usual pace through the celestial cosmos. Turning his head he looks down at the tea cup on the floor and the jar of sweets and bends down to pick them up. The jar he places onto the side table next to his chair while the cup and saucer with the sweets that were on the floor he places in the tardis kitchen and then returned to his chair with a groan. The doctor is getting tired of having such a paradoxal time stream that makes up his time lord existence. Surviving more than one adventure all in the same moment and yet at the same time at different points in time and space tends to leave a man rather well and truly exhausted. Sitting slouched in his leather seat the small table next to him and beyond that the doctor marvels how well he survived the masters final surprise in the same breath as having defeated him on earth in the city known as san francisco. having met all his previous incarnations and regaining all his memories once more the doctor was wondering if he should go to his quarters and get as much rest before the next unknown adventure would be thrust on him. With a resounding sigh he decides to remain in his current location and closes his chocolate brown eyes and drifts off into a light fitful sleep.

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