Saturday, 14 June 2014

The Time War

hay guys i thought you might like to read this extract on the time war from a doctor who book called Shakespeare's notebook. by: Justin Richards...  its supposed to be Shakespeare's notes on the time war...
O for a muse of fire, that would ascend.
The brightest heaven of intervention, 
A planet for a stage, monsters to act.
And time lords to behold the swelling scene!
Then should the warlike doctor,
like himself, assume the part of mars, and on the field.
The meanwhiles and the troops of neverwhere,
the nightmare child, the horde of travesties,
 the Skaro degradations and their kin.
The time war's troops, but pardon, gentles all, the flat
unraised spirits that have dared on this unworthy
scaffold to bring forth so great an object: can
this cockpit hold the plains of Gallifrey?
or may we cram within this wooden O the bowships
that prevented not the fall of Arcady?
 O pardon, since a single dalek may attest in little place a million.
and let us ciphers to this great accompt in your imaginary forces work.
suppose within the girdle
of these walls are now confined two powers imperial.
one great with saucers and trans-solar discs
 the other fast with transductions barrier.
 piece out our imperfections
with your thoughts conceive this paultry
glass a white point star fitted to scourge creation with its light.
 think when we talk of daleks that you see them soar
in squadrons through kasterborous
for tis your thoughts that must now power our ships
lay waste our worlds effect our jumps in time.
 spilling a tale as long as rassilons into a n hour glass
for the which supply admit me chorus to this history,
who prologue like your humble patience pray
 gently to hear kindly to judge our play.