Thursday, 19 December 2013

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Friday, 2 August 2013

12th doctor announcement sunday 4th of aug bbc1 7pm

Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor - TRAILER - Sunday 7pm on BBC1

Live on BBC ONE on Sunday the 4th of August of 2013 will be the announcement of the 12th Doctor joined by special guest stars including previous incarnations...

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Impossible Girl....

     Clara... my impossible clara... I first met clara at the asylum of the daleks when they kidnapped me to solve their immediate problem that they were to afraid to do themselves. Then she was known to me as oswin oswald  and a former crewmember of the starship alaska that had crash landed their the previous year... She died saving me...  The next time i came across her was in victorian london then she was known to me only as clara, a former barmaid from the rose and crown come governess calling herself ms montegue... with the aid of her and vastra we defeated together the great intelligence and again she dies saving me... though i didn't learn her full name until after she was buried... Clara Oswald i would meet for the 3rd time in modern day london again she was a govorness or rather in this time stream a nanny... when she would phone me asking why she couldn't connect to the internet.. we would once more fight aand defeat the great intelligence... We would go one to have a number of adventures. from akhatan to journeying through the tardis herself... at this point clara would come to learn and forget my true name which i am thankful for after i set the time stream back the way it should be... during that time clara and i had a conversation in which i explained to her that i kept meeting her and she kept dyiing and i wanted to know who she was an just why she kept showing up throughout my time stream.. I came to call her my impossible girl...  It would take my crossing my time stream in the worst possible way to finally realize just why she was the impossible girl and what it took for her to be so and why she would become the most important girl through out my entire time stream from gallifrey to trenzalore...

Clara oswin oswald is nothing but an echo throughout time and space,the real clara having died when she stepped into my timestream in my tomb at trenzalore even learning my greatest secret... scattered like confetti living millions of different lives and all of them having at some point conected with mine though i would never remember it...  I've lived a long time, 1200 years and then some... and somewhere in the background was always clara... same name but different face everytime... she was even a time lady in one of her many lives back at the begining of my journey when i left gallifrey with my granddaughter susan.. she was the one that directed me to sexy.... In each life she's had parents and or siblings that loved her, friends that stood by her side, men and women she's loved, and children she brought into the world and or buried when they've died. She lived countless lives and died countless times…all to save me…Whereas the countless companions i've had along the way on my travels through time and space were willing to run away and travel with the me. She’s the only one that sacrificed everything just so that i would be okay. and never once asking for anything in return save one small thing... no, two things.

   To Run and to Remember her...

(please do not steal my writing thank you)

Sunday, 26 May 2013

clarence & the whispermen

this is the prequel to the name of the doctor when clarence meets the whispermen for the 1st time and is given the information that will get vastra, jenny, strax, river/clara and the doctor to trenzalore

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Saturday, 16 March 2013

final pt. of time war from 8's perspective

by the end of the war, rassilon desperate man that he was proposed the final sanction. the time lords would become creatures of pure conciousness alone and all of the rest of creation would be destroyed. i would come to call the final days of the time war "Hell." because that is exactly what it was "Hell" when someone stole the great key and hid it on Shada it would take a month to escape with it with the aid of an old friend called chantir. with thekey and the de-mat weapon i would take it to the medusa cascade in its altered state so that instead of removing one single thing from time and space it would remove millions i one split second. The time lords would refer to this as 'The Moment' when the time war ended and gallifrey was destroyed along with the daleks. I in my 8th incarnation would start the process and end it all at the same time. unfortuanately i would be injured so badly that i had to regenerate andit would be my 9th incarnation that was born in battle at as the time war ended and gallifrey was destroyed and the time lock took effect and became a fixed point in time and space.  learning that i possessed the moment, on the last day of the war the high council tried to escape the time lock by implanting a signal in the mind of the master when he was nothing but an 8 yr old child who would look into the untempered schism and from then on hear nothing but the sound of drums in his head that would cause his madness and the actions that he would take throughout his life. in the year 2009AD when i would be in my 10th incarnation 5 time lords would use what was in the masters head to escape the time war and come to earth using a white point star as a connection. At the end of days i would shoot that star breaking the connection and it would be the master that would aid me in sending rassilon and the others back into the time lock. "back into hell". With the exception of a very few survivors, the Time Lords and the Daleks disappeared from time and space. Gallifrey was destroyed in a silent flash as bright as a sun. Its annihilation was so profound it stretched deep into the past and far into the future. The Cruciform fell when Gallifrey was destroyed. The blast was so powerful the universe convulsed as planets, systems and galaxies were obliterated.


the time war was invisible to most lower species of life but devistating to all time aware higher species such as the forest of cheem who thought that the time lords were nothing but myth. the gelth would lose the physical form and could only exist in a gasious state. in victorian england a servent girl named gwen and charles dickens aided my 9th incarnation and companion rose to stop the gelth from returning to the physical world sealing a time rift that existed at that time. the sontaran species came to resent that they werenot allowed to take part in the war while lower species such as the granix were. Eve's race were unfortunately one of the multitued of races that would become extinct.  with mypeople gone a great vacum existed throughout time and space causing anything and everything to change in a split second because time was in flux and changing dramatic change in human history was rose tyler when she would create a paradox by saving her father pete tyler who was supposed to die. this would bring about the reaperswho would descend to steralise the wound in time and space by devouring everything in sight. my 9th self told rose that had the time lords still existed this would not have happenedas they would have prevented it or repaired the paradox. it took pete tyler to chose to return history back the way it should be by dying. my 10th would state that travel between parallelworlds was so much easier but with their demise the pathways between worlds were closed forever.

                                                   KNOWN SURVIVORS

The Doctor
The Master
Leela for a short time though she too would die
K9 mark 1

a single dalek
the dalek emperor
the daleks that were in the void
the cult of skaro
the advocate
the gelth
and Eve who was sent to earth before the time war so that she would at least survive of her race.

the 2 8th doctors one at the end of the time war before his regenerating and the one watching things both looked at one another and then everything happened at oncemy past self took action and i left the medusa cascade for the last time since i would be regenerating at that moment into my ninth incarnation. but i write everything down in my journal placing it to the side along with all my previous incarnations journals and leaving an empty one sitting behind for the next incarnation to take pen to paper. now you the reader know everything there isto know about what truly happened to the time war or at least as best as you the reader can understand. now its time to  say my goodbyes to you as my 8 self fades and my 9th takes over.


watch matt smith on comic relief

Saturday, 9 March 2013

come an check out these great dr who roleplay sites

pt.2 of time war from 8th doctors perspective... final piece to come

                                    pt. 2

8 stood tall and silent his hands hidden within the pockerts of his trousers as he looked out at the remenants of the kasterborous galaxy that had once held his home planet of gallifrey. did he regret what he did so long ago? the answer was yes he did regret it but he had known long before the time war had even begun that he would be the cause of their ultimate demise. 8 turned his back on the dust and rocks that floated through space and shut the tardis doors behind him. walking over to the console he plotted a course for the medusa cascade and dropped down in the wide leather chair just across the way. 8 knew that by going there he would be both a participant
and a watcher of what was to happen. when the tardis arrived at their destination he used the sonic to switch on the circular monitor and left the cascade to show the past flicker across the screen. before the war began the high council under the president's orders used both reality bombs and misinformation camps  as a way of hiding the truth of the war from the people. days before the War begins, the first Type 90 TARDISes are deployed. They are massive brass colored spheres with their Time Lord operator permanently installed in with in them. This spacific kind of tardis was designed so that it could block off areas of time & space from enterance or exit from any
other time traveler including their own people should they need to. The could in dire circumstances cause severe or untold damage to time and space but for the most part they were used to block access to the areas where the time war raged unfetered. Their design also made them hidden from view by all others since they had no weapons of any kind but even those tardises could be destroyed so easily. They were also equipped with ChaoticLimiters, which adjust the pilot's affect on time "by changing his or her reality quotient.”  in nonrmal circumstances such a tardis would have been used for scoutclass missions but in the case of the war they were positioned in
strategic areas to give the time lords the best advantage.Other tardies used in the battel were the warships with the massive spires of gold with corkscdrews at their tips which could be used as a battering ram when it was needed they were also powered by plack holes. they even tried to prevent the rise of the daleks by sending be back during my 4th incarnation while the daleks fought their thousand year war to stop their creation and if not to at least prevent their development an make them less aggressive.. it was not to be and the daleks believed that by preventing their evolution by a thousand years was enough to start the war...

                                                                                           The Begining...

as i leave the terran solar system and head off out into the nether space the tardis picks up a call from home... "all time lords and tardises must return to gallifrey immediatly....." on hearing the beginings of this transmition i turn off the reciever as i know what is coming without even listening to it. the time war was begining and the daleks were making their advances throughout the stars exterminating everything and anyone that crossed their path en route to my home planet situated in the kasterborous galaxy. Though i do not want to return and face destiny i know in my hearts that destiny must take place as i know it to be a fixed point in time that MUST BE! so with my hearts filled
with remorse and regret at would i would come to do i returned hom to gallifrey where i would be placed on the front lines during the war. i would bare witness to daveros the daleks creator being swallowed up at the gates of elysium by the naightmare childe. the could've been king with his army of meanwhiles and neverweres, the hoarde or travesties, the skaro degridations and the fall of arcadia...

                                                                                          The Conflict...

a total of 10 million dalek flying saucers made up the main force of the fleet that was sent at the begining of the war. And it was not until i witnessed the death of an innocent child at the hands of the daleks that i joined the time war on the front lines. the sontaran race though not a part of the time war would mythacize that i was the time lord that led the time lords into battle.* let them think as they will who was leading the battle i was just one of many thats all...By the end of the 1st year of the war Daveros creator of the dalek race was killed at the gates of elysium when his command ship flew into the  jaws of the nightmare childe. And though i did try to save him aat the time i failed and it
was not until a dalek by the name of cann flew unprotected into the time vortex when i would be in my 10 incarnation of myself that daveros would be free. Dalek Cann would be driven insane by all that he went through and saw as he brought daveros out of the time war and he would make many a prophacy that would come to pass but those are irrelevant at the present time as i say that is for my future incarnation to experience.  right now i am in my 8th form so we will deal with those experiences...

As the was raged across time and space many a species and many a world or galaxy paid the price from the lower life forms to the hight celestial ones. places and those that resided on them that would fall during the war were: the entire chain of Hotel Historia, Polymos & Klox too were destroyed which would create in the case of klox the klox nebula in its place. The battlefield i myself was at which would come to fall was ARCADIA... millions would die and return to life over and over again during the heart of the war as it raged. The time lords would bring back during this time my oldest friend and enemy The Master believing him to be an excellent soldier but when the
dalek emperor took the cruiciform he turned adn ran in fear leaving his people to live and die over and over again... So they made the untimate sacrifice and brought Rassilon back to lead them and win the war, to save gallifrey and its people...

there were secrets on all sides during the war from the daleks to my own people. millions of daleks would be lost in the battle due to prisonships the time lords made that the daleks would wipe out without realizing it..only one prisonship would remain and it would be used during the battle of canary wharf in the future and again the daleks would lose the battle that they would begin between themselves and the cybermen. my future self would deal with that so put that aside...



pt.1 on 8th doctors perspective of the time war

( anything with these symbols are borrowed from tardis wiki...  /~/~ )

designation: the constellation of Kasterborous, at galactic co-ordinates 10-0-11-0-0 by 0-2 from Galactic Zero Centre.

it was once the home of my home planet of Gallifrey (meaning: they who walk in shadows.) also known by the name "the Shining World of the Seven Systems".  our solar system was a binary star system and our 2nd star when it rose above the horizon in the south of the planet in the early morning would make the mountains glow... our main sum was a firey red within the system there were 5 other planets and an asteroid belt. we also had 2 large moons one with a ringsystem and the other a copper gold in color which shone so bright you could see it even in the daytime. our skyline was a burnt orange in color our waterways and lakes a rusty brown our cloud system was silver in color and we did have some small active volcanic areas across the world. our mountains were snow capped and the leaves on the trees were silver and would shine like fires when struck by the rays of the sunlight. our forests were green our fields golden and our arid deserts were protect the main home planet 8 clone replicas of gallifrey were created to confuse and confound our enemies. they were also used as a refuge for our people when it was needed. we had a multitude of native fauna and wildlife but those do not matter not now.

you the reader must be wondering exactly who i am? * smiles sadly.

I am the doctor not just any doctor, I am THE! Doctor. I am the last child of Gallifrey and I am the man who destroyed my home planet and countless others to end the Last Great Time War... I am currently in my 8th incarnation and i am known by many names one is theta sigma but you may call me the doctor. The writings here are my depictions of what happened during and after the time war. first let me explain what a time lock is....

Time Lock: was a mechanism that created a buble that was both inpenitrable and inescapable. there are a multitued of ways to create a time lock but lets go with the one i devised using the moment to time lock the last great time war... I ...

/~/~ created the Moment from a modified De-mat Gun during the War. Then used it to end the war, time-locking it in the process. When I used the Moment, I destroyed Gallifrey, the Cruciform, the invading Dalek forces, the Time Lords, and all the horrific entities created during the Time War. /~/~ about the de-mat weapon : The De-mat Gun was a powerful weapon of the Time Lords of the planet Gallifrey. A remark by Borusa implied that Rassilon had at least a hand in its construction or design. It could remove the target from space-time, but required the Great Key of Rassilon to arm it. /~/~History: As Lord President, the Fourth Doctor used the De-mat gun against the
Sontaran leader Stor and his remaining troops in the Capitol on Gallifrey. The gun apparently vaporised itself, leaving only the Great Key. After this, the Doctor could not remember the last few days. The Great Key was lost some time in the Second War in Heaven, necessitating the Time Lords to research further more destructive weapons. De-mat guns were used in the war and stored on Gallifrey Nine. Toward the end of the Last Great Time War, the Eighth Doctor was imprisoned for over a month on an unknown planet with a Malmooth named Chantir. It turned out the Eighth Doctor had planned his imprisonment to infiltrate the prison and steal the Great Key when it arrived on a transport. After escaping with it, the Doctor noted the Great Key had been part of a weapon called the De-mat Gun, which could completely remove something from time and space. The Doctor intended to modify the gun so that it could remove millions from time and space at once, possibly sealing the Medusa Cascade if needed. This device may have been what became known as the Moment, and the Doctor used it to end the Time War. /~/~

now that you know what both a de-mat weapon and the moment are we'll move on to what happened at the begining of, throughout and at the end of the time war.

                                                                      THE BEGINING!

10th doctor talks to martha jones about his people an the time war on new new york

(please do not steal my writing )

planet designation: New New York situated at the end of the gridlock episode...

after saving the population that was locked apon the underground motorway the doctor sits on the floor of the senate room and by his oldest and most ancient of friends the face of boe who is now dying after giving all that remains of his life force to aid the doctor to achieve his goal of opening up the motorway. across from him is the cat nurse hayme who was boes nurse. and martha jones who enters the senate room and comes over to to doctor, who introduces her to boe just before he dies after explaining that
the doctor was not alone. On their way back towards the tardis at the end of the episode martha jones stops picks up a chair and sits down....

The Doctor:  'I lied to you, 'cause I liked you. I could pretend, just for a bit, I could imagine they were still alive underneath. The burnt orange sky. I'm not just a Time Lord: I'm the last of the Time Lords. The Face of Boe was wrong. There's no one else.'

Martha Jones:   'What happened?'

The Doctor:  'There was a war. A Time War. The last great Time War. My people fought a race called the Daleks for the sake of all creation, and they lost. They lost. Everyone lost.' 'They're all gone now, my family, my friends, even that sky. '

The doctor... 'Ah, you should have seen it, that old planet. The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver. When they caught the light every morning, they lit the forest aflame. My people, the time lords were an ancient and proud race. we were once one of the oldest and mightiest of civilizations in the Universe, and we held absolute power for some ten million years or so until the war came. Our lives, what you would call childhood was much like that of your human offspring. But by the time most gallifreyans reached the age of eight were were removed from family life and coseted within the gallifreyan academy there to learn all that our tutors could and did teach us. They also would take those they thought strong enough to look into the untempered schism that allows one to look right into the heart of the time vortex itself..'

at this point at the end of the episode you don't get to hear what the doctor says to martha as they sit there in the rain all you hear is singing in the background. here is what i think happens that you don't get to hear about...

The doctor goes one to describe to martha a little of his home planet and the preparations that his people undertake to make sure that they have enough weapons and war tardises to win against the daleks. he goes on toexplain how the current president of the time lords lady romana dvoratrelundar had tried her best to make peace with them on a nutral planet but all delegation attempts failed and the war begun. the doctor tells how romana makes the decision to step down as lady president and makes the decision to bring back rassilon a decision she comes to regret... and how with the aid of trusted friends she contacts the doctor bringing him back from the front lines of the battle and hands him the weapon he will need to end the time war after explaining just how bad things had gotten and that rassilon had decreed the final sanction for all life.

the doctor... the tears shone on the doctors handsome features as he went on to explain:  i fought on the front lines during the time war, i bore witness to the fall of arcadia, i saw what my people had chosen to unleash apon the universe. the nightmare child, the could've been king and his army of meanwhiles and never wheres.. i saw daleks exterminate innocent children and newborn babes. and i had couldn't stand it then the call came from home lady romana had decided that one way or the other that the war should end no matter the cost and she knew that the only person smart enough and strong enough to do the deed and survive the outcome was him. how he would take the demat weapon meant to be used for the final sanction and bring about the end of all things and turn it into the moment. creating a fixed point in time, time locking the war and ending the war once and for all at the loss of notj ust the daleks but of gallifrey and his own people....

you don't get to really know the truth about martha's reaction to the things that he tells her but i think she is a compassionate woman and most likely held the doctor as he cried for the loss of his home and people i think she too cried along with him... how long they stayed on new new york is unknown before he takes her home and she choses to leave the doctors company and get on with her life only to be recruited by unit forces and then torchwood for a time. while the doctor heads off on his travels only to regenerate at the end of days against the master and rassilon after sending them back into the time war.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

a bit on the 8th doctor

(the bit of writing with [[** **]] is from the tardis wiki, i borrowed it. the rest of the writing is my own)

New Year's Day at 12:00am now the year is 2000. The master is dead finally consumed by the eye of harmony at the center of the tardis. As the 8th Doctor kneels on the floor next to the dead bodies of chan lee and grace holloway the tardis as the eye closes emits life and both young humans awake from death to see the doctor smiling down at them. As they gain their footing the doctor walks towards the console and pulls the lever and the tardis rematerializes at a man made lake in a San Fransico park and the three exit the tardis as fireworks shower the early morning skyline.

[[ **Lee gives the Doctor his bag and the Doctor delights at his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor tells Lee to keep the gold dust that the master had given him and that next Christmas Lee should take a vacation, "just don't be here." Lee catches on and thanks him and says goodbye to him and Grace. Grace wonders if that is more interfering. It is. He starts to warn her about something, "Grace, there's something you should know" Grace stops him, saying that she knows who she is, and that’s enough. He asks her to come with him, but she asks him to come with her. He calls that offer tempting. The two of them kiss amid the fireworks in the night sky. The Doctor goes and the TARDIS vanishes. The TARDIS pulls away from Earth and enters the time vortex. The Doctor emerges from under the console, fixing some more things, thinking it sounds better, and begins to wonder where to go next. He listens to a record of old on an old record player and sits to have some tea and read a book. Suddenly the record starts to skip on the word TIME again and the Doctor moans, 'Oh no, not again.' **]]

The clanging sounds of a multitude of clocks can be heard as the tardis spirals overly fast off into the darkness of space. Apon the floor now lies the empty tea cup and a jar of jelly babies lay scattered around. The doctor gaining his footing reached out for and grabbed hold of the tardis console just as she spirals off in a new direction. It took some time but eventually he manages to fix everything that was wrong and steps back with a sigh as the tardis now spirals at her usual pace through the celestial cosmos. Turning his head he looks down at the tea cup on the floor and the jar of sweets and bends down to pick them up. The jar he places onto the side table next to his chair while the cup and saucer with the sweets that were on the floor he places in the tardis kitchen and then returned to his chair with a groan. The doctor is getting tired of having such a paradoxal time stream that makes up his time lord existence. Surviving more than one adventure all in the same moment and yet at the same time at different points in time and space tends to leave a man rather well and truly exhausted. Sitting slouched in his leather seat the small table next to him and beyond that the doctor marvels how well he survived the masters final surprise in the same breath as having defeated him on earth in the city known as san francisco. having met all his previous incarnations and regaining all his memories once more the doctor was wondering if he should go to his quarters and get as much rest before the next unknown adventure would be thrust on him. With a resounding sigh he decides to remain in his current location and closes his chocolate brown eyes and drifts off into a light fitful sleep.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

spoiler chart for the rest of season 7

check out this link if you want some spoiler information on the rest of season 7.  there is a chart for the 50th anniversary and the xmas special 2013 but as of yet the info hasn't been released so their box sections are currently empty.

Sunday, 27 January 2013


here is where you will find all the quotes from every doctor from the 1st to the 11th. its also where you will find quotes from some of his companions like sara jane smith  or adric ect.

dr simeon

Walter Simeon’s life changed forever during one snowy day in 1842. As usual he was playing on his own, watched over by his fretting mother who remarked, ‘He never talks to anyone... He’s so alone.’ But moments after she walked away, something incredible happened. Walter spoke to the snowman he was building and heard it reply. A sonorous voice concurred with his own thoughts. Don’t talk to them, the voice told him, they’re silly. Hadn’t he always said that? But still, the experience shook him… He began to run until the voice continued. ‘You don’t need anyone else!’ Walter paused… Whether he realised it or not, his life had just become colder…

Also known as: Walter
Home Planet: Earth
Fact! Simeon admitted he enjoyed The Strand Magazine – the publication that first printed many of the Sherlock Homes stories.
First Appearance: The Snowmen
Latest Appearance: The Snowmen
Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

Doctor Simeon appeared to be the Great Intelligence’s most important human servant and his devotion was absolute. ‘I serve you in this,’ he once declared, ‘As in everything else.’ Certainly, this misplaced loyalty was extraordinary and he was prepared to kill for the Intelligence, ruthlessly letting his army of deadly snowmen loose on unarmed workers. His dedication was all the more remarkable insofar as the on-going plan entailed ‘the last winter of humankind’. But Simeon’s childhood disregard for other people had mutated into something more sinister and extreme, leaving him hell-bent on the destruction of his fellow man.

I think winter is coming… Such a winter as this world has never known!Doctor Simeon

Simeon was a cool customer in more ways than one. He appeared to show no fear when challenged by an intelligent ‘lizard woman’ and treated Vastra and Jenny’s threats with scorn. He suspected the Doctor was a foe worthy of respect but never once backed down, convinced until the end that the Great Intelligence would overcome all opposition

But the Time Lord deduced that Walter’s snowman in 1842 hadn’t truly spoken to him. ‘Snow doesn’t talk…’ he observed. ‘It just reflects back everything we think and feel and fear. You poured your darkest dreams into a snowman and look – look what it became…’ The Great Intelligence in its 1892 form!

The Doctor was able to erase Simeon’s memory and thought this would defeat the Intelligence. ‘No parasite without a host!’ But the force had become too powerful and in its own words, ‘Now, the dream outlives the dreamer and can never die!’ With Simeon’s adult life ‘erased’, the Intelligence was able to inhabit his physicality, using his body as a grotesque puppet to attack the Doctor. But when the snow mirrored tears, the effect was dramatic and Simeon’s body collapsed. A shocked Vastra looked at his lifeless form and murmured, ‘He’s dead!’

the great intelligence

The Great Intelligence is a deadly parasite – a malevolent force lacking corporeal form that uses human beings as its servants, sometimes willingly, but often against its victim’s wishes. Before racing away to find Clara, the Doctor stared at Doctor Simeon’s business card and the name printed on it stirred a memory. ‘The Great Intelligence…’ he murmured. ‘Rings a bell...’ The recollection is because the Time Lord has confronted the Intelligence on two previous occasions…

Home Planet: Unknown
Appearance: The Intelligence has no corporeal form but often uses humans as its ‘puppets’.
First Appearance: The Abominable Snowmen
Most Recent Appearance: The Snowmen
Key story: The Web of Fear

The Doctor first encountered the Great Intelligence in Asia during the mid-twentieth century. Investigating a Himalayan monastery he had visited centuries earlier, he was shocked to discover that his good friend Padmasambhava was still alive but was now over three hundred years old! The Second Doctor discovered he had been taken over by the Great Intelligence – an evil, mysterious force that was using him against his will.

Now, the dream outlives the dreamer and can never die!The Great Intelligence

During this adventure the Doctor learnt very little about his new enemy and even the question of how it had arrived on Earth was largely unanswered. Padmasambhava suggested he had been taken over by the Intelligence as he had somehow travelled on an alternative plane and hinted that this shapeless, alien force was conducting an experiment in the Himalayas, striving to find a way to perfect ‘material form’ .

On this occasion the Intelligence used mechanical Yetis (pictured, right) and these furry but fearsome robots were deployed again when it invaded Earth decades later. The Doctor was there to defeat them again but this time the front-line was the London Underground. In the intervening period the Intelligence had apparently failed to perfect corporeal form and the Doctor said the best way to describe it was ‘a sort of formless, shapeless thing floating about in space like a cloud of mist, only with a mind and will’.

This time the Intelligence seemed more cunning and used a member of Britain’s military as an inside agent. The force was also able to attack the TARDIS whilst it was in outer space, cocooning the craft in a web-like substance that almost disabled it forever. The Doctor was able to trick the Intelligence and cut it off from the humans and machinery it was using on Earth. However, he was furious that he was unable to destroy the menace and recognised it still existed and could possibly return…

When the Doctor found himself up against the Intelligence once more, the confrontation took place in London, 1892, and this time, the force had a new ally: Doctor Simeon…


The Doctor has met many vile and brutal monsters during his travels but there was something chilling in Solomon’s total disregard for life something so unspeakable that even the Doctor appeared unmoved by his terrible fate after leaving the Silurian ship. Start to worry when: Solomon scans your body and detects a value attached to you.

Home Planet: Unknown
Appearance Humanoid with scarred face, damaged legs and malevolent eyes.
Weaknesses Underestimates opponents and blinded by greed.
First Appearance: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Most Recent Appearance: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

Solomon was a trader who tricked his way onto the Silurian spaceship. Once on board he realised the profit its cargo could bring and therefore ruthlessly killed its crew using two murderous robots he had bought cheaply from a concession on Illyria Seven. But things started to go wrong for Solomon when three raptors attacked him and injured his legs… Worse still, he found he couldn’t fly the spaceship and was therefore trapped with its precious cargo.

‘I like my possessions to have spirit. It means I can have fun breaking them.Solomon

When the Doctor and his friends boarded the ship, Solomon soon showed his callousness – ordering his robots to injure Brian because the Doctor questioned him. He demanded that the Time Lord repair his damaged limbs but making an enemy of the Doctor proved his undoing. When he tried to leave, abandoning the dinosaurs and kidnap Nefertiti in order to capitalise on her ‘value’, the Doctor placed a device in his craft that the ISA’s missile had locked onto. The Doctor rescued Nefertiti from the ship but left Solomon on board… Moments after the Doctor’s departure, the missiles found their mark and the vessel was destroyed in a fireball in space.

the gunslinger

If you ever visit Mercy, as you near the town take a moment to scan the craggy hills and plains that surround it. That figure in the distance might just be a tourist, like you. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s the Gunslinger...

Also known as: Kahler-Tek
Home Planet: Unknown
Random ‘Yes!’ Moment: Remaining on Earth to watch over Mercy.
Fact! The word cyborg was first coined in 1960.
First Appearance: A Town Called Mercy
Most Recent Appearance: A Town Called Mercy

Tasked with ending a long and bloody war, Kahler-Jex and a team of scientists created an army of deadly cyborgs. They took ‘volunteers’ and told them they’d been selected for special training. But in reality these unwitting victims were experimented upon, their bodies fused with weaponry. And finally, they were programmed to kill. The cyborgs formed a devastating force that routed their enemy and ended the war in less than a week.

“When he starts killing your people you can use your justice!The Gunslinger

Following their victory, all the cyborgs were decommissioned… All, that is, but one. The circuitry of the cyborg created using Kahler-Tek was damaged in battle. He went off-line and like Frankenstein’s monster, began hunting down his makers. He tracked the last of them, Kahler-Jex, to Mercy but wanting to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, he would not enter the town and simply waited for his quarry.

The Gunslinger unintentionally shot Isaac but after the death of Kahler-Jex, the Doctor persuaded him to remain on Earth and he became Mercy’s guardian angel. This creature of war eventually found a purpose in peace: to protect it.

the shakri

The Doctor believed that the Shakri were a myth, a fiction to keep ‘the young of Gallifrey in their place’. But the Shakri exist: enigmatic, powerful and ruthless slaves to the Tally.

Also known as: The pest controllers of the universe.
Home Planet: Unknown
Start to worry when: Brian Cox starts talking about perfect black boxes from space.
Weaknesses: Shakri technology can be manipulated to act against them.
First Appearance: The Power of Three
Most Recent Appearance: The Power of Three

The Shakri are a force steeped in mystery. They serve the Tally, but even the Doctor didn’t know precisely was this was, reflecting that some called it ‘Judgement Day’ and others, ‘the Reckoning’. The Shakri implied it was an imperative which drove them to eliminate races that could be considered a contagion. Unfortunately, this was exactly how the Shakri viewed humanity, ignoring the species’ achievements and seeing the people of Earth as a plague to be expunged before it spread into space.

‘I will back humanity against the Shakri every time!The Doctor

The Shakri attempted to destroy mankind through waves of cubes that were scattered across the globe. These box-life objects stopped people’s hearts but the Doctor was able to reverse their effect, restarting the affected organs using the cubes’ alien technology. He also halted the second wave of cubes and in doing so, defeated the Shakri’s plans. For now.

The precise whereabouts of the Shakri remains a mystery. The figure whom the Doctor confronted on their craft was enigmatic about his race. ‘The Shakri exist through all of time and none,’ he told the Doctor. ‘We travel alone and together… Serving the word of the Tally.’ And even he did not exist in any physical sense; the Doctor declared the vision was the ship’s automated interface, or to put it another way, ‘a talking propaganda poster’.

weeping angels

Possessing a natural and unique defence mechanism, the Angels are quantum locked. This means that they can only move when no other living creature, including their own kind, is looking at them. As soon as they are observed, they instantly turn to stone and cannot be killed.

Other Names: The Lonely Assassins
Home Planet: Unknown
Appearance: Winged Humanoid Statue
Weaknesses: If they see each other they turn into stone.
First Appearance: Blink
Last Appearance: The Angels Take Manhattan

The Angels have the ability to send other beings into the past. This allows the Angels to feed on the potential time energy of what would have been the rest of their victim's lives.

The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely.The Doctor

In The Time of Angels the Doctor and Amy along with River Song went hunting for a solitary Angel but discovered an army of them waiting in the Maze of the Dead! Although the Lonely Assassins vastly outnumbered their prey the Doctor was able to outwit them using gravity and the army was defeated. The Time Lord next confronted them in New York, 1938, where another terrifying battle was fought. Although Rory was able to escape the grisly fate they had intended for him, involving years spent in Winter Quay without Amy, this encounter had a heart-breaking end when the Ponds were both taken from the Doctor – zapped back in time by a solitary Angel in a graveyard.

episode guide link for 1st 8 doctors

clara oswin oswald

She’s the impossible girl. The human who has died twice and popped into the Doctor’s life at different times and on different planets. The Time Lord is perplexed but intrigued and we know he’s going to look for answers… and Clara!
Also known as: Miss Montague
Home Planet: Earth (apparently!)
Fact! Clara’s birthdate was given as November 23, 1866
Latest Appearance: The Snowmen
Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

London, 1892 and an inquisitive barmaid notices a snowman has appeared in a matter of moments. She asks a passing stranger if he built it and the figure barely pauses at first, but soon becomes intrigued by the mystery and the young woman who seems so charismatic and fun. That chance encounter is the first time the Doctor has come face-to-face with Clara Oswald and neither of their lives will ever be quite the same again…

Run, you clever boy, run!Clara

Clara remains a woman of mystery – even to those who think they know her. One minute she’s the plucky barmaid at the Rose and Crown, the next she’s the very ‘proper’ governess of two well-to-do children and going by the name of Miss Montague! But as the Doctor discovered, the enigma of Clara Oswin Oswald does not end there…

When the Time Lord met Clara in Victorian London he was quickly drawn to her sparkiness and love of adventure. In fact it was Clara who prised the Doctor from his self-imposed ‘retirement’ and he was soon handing her a key to the TARDIS, a sure sign that he wanted her to become his latest companion. But tragedy struck when she was attacked in the time machine, plunging to Earth and her apparent death. And yet…

The Doctor realised that Clara was ‘Soufflé girl’, the former Junior Entertainment Manager of the starship Alaska whom he encountered on the Dalek asylum… But during that meeting she had already been turned into a Dalek! The Clara conundrum galvanised the Doctor into action… He wants to know who she is and how anyone can apparently die twice! And so a re-energised Doctor is chasing after Clara Oswald…. Watch him run!

madame vastra

The wrong side of Madame Vastra can be a dangerous place to be… A brave warrior, she wields swords with power and precision and after dealing with the notorious Jack the Ripper, she commented that she’d found him ‘stringy but tasty’, suggesting that she devours her enemies!
Also known as: The Great Detective
Home Planet: Earth
Fact! Simeon suspected that Sherlock Holmes was based on Madame Vastra!
First Appearance: A Good Man Goes to War
Latest Appearance: The Snowmen
Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

The Doctor found Vastra in the London Underground system where, in her own words, she was ‘attempting to avenge my sisters on perfectly innocent tunnel-diggers’. He intervened, teaching her that ‘anger is always the shortest distance to a mistake’. It was a piece of wisdom she would remind him of much later, on the eve of battle…

Send a telegram… Jack the Ripper has claimed his last victim!Vastra

It’s clear that the Doctor has enormous faith in Vastra. When he needed a team to help him at the Battle of Demon’s Run, this remarkable Silurian was one of the first figures he turned to and her immediate response – ‘It means a very old debt is to be repaid!’ – indicates she had met the Time Lord in the tunnels long before he called for her assistance.

In fact, by the time they teamed up to rescue Amy Pond from Kovarian, they had developed a sound friendship. She felt comfortable teasing the Doctor and gently challenging him when she sensed his judgement was impaired by emotion. She was familiar with the concept of regeneration, knew about the Time Lords, and even recognised their cellular make-up, indicating that she’d learnt much from the man she called ‘old friend’.

Like many Silurians, Vastra sometimes showed a haughty contempt for humans, but she’s close to her ‘assistant’, Jenny Flint and showed a steel resolve to keep the Monks from baby Melody, shouting, ‘Protect the child at all costs!’ and risking her own life for the Ponds’ daughter.

Back in Victorian London, her alliance with Jenny and Strax became known as the Paternoster Gang , with the trio sometimes joined a fourth member - the Doctor himself. She was by his side as he battled the Great Intelligence in 1892 and was delighted to see Clara galvanise him into action. She last glimpsed the Time Lord haring off on another mission but we suspect that we’ll be seeing more of this engaging ‘lizard woman from the dawn of time’!

jenny flint

Jenny Flint is one quarter of the Paternoster Gang. Kind, brave and devoted to Madame Vastra, she’s also a good friend to the Doctor, visibly upset when he repeated his claim that he had ‘retired’. It’s clear she won’t give up on the Time Lord and may yet share more adventures with him…
Also known as: My dear
Home Planet: Earth
Fact! It looks like Jenny will return…
First Appearance: A Good Man Goes to War
Latest Appearance: The Snowmen
Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

We first encountered Jenny Flint in Victorian London where she appeared to be the maid of Madame Vastra, ‘the Lizard woman of Paternoster Row’. It soon became clear they were good friends and that Jenny doesn’t shy away from danger. Indeed, during our first glimpse of her, she was delighted when Vastra ordered, ‘Pack the cases, Jenny… And we’re going to need the swords!’

Merry Christmas!Jenny

That particular excursion took Jenny to Demon’s Run where she seemed unfazed by the futuristic environment, a possible indication that she has accompanied her Silurian friend to similar places in the past. But the mission ended in a harrowing battle where many fell. Jenny fought well and bravely, resolutely staying by Vastra’s side despite the overwhelming odds they both faced.

Jenny has a softer side, however. Immediately after the Battle of Demon’s Run, for instance, she comforted the distraught Amy, and defended the Doctor. ‘It’s not his fault,’ she gently pointed out as Amy tried to come to terms with the temporary loss of her baby. It was a side she showed again when back in London and attempting to coax the Time Lord out of retirement. After her efforts and those of Strax and Vastra failed to engage the Doctor, she seemed the saddest of the trio. ‘I think he means it,’ she murmured unhappily.

She’s not afraid to mildly rebuke Strax and to show her displeasure with Vastra’s infrequent insensitivity, such as when the Silurian commented that all ‘mammals’ look alike to her. But Jenny is clearly a patient person, putting up with the sulky Sontaran’s wild schemes and the occasional tongue-lashing from Madame Vastra.

Jenny helped defeat the Great Intelligence in 1892 and during that adventure we discovered she was married to Madame Vastra. But we’ve already seen that their marriage hadn’t marred their passion for danger… Long may it continue!


The Battle of Zaruthstra, 4047 AD, and in the pit of war, amidst the gunfire and explosions, a young boy lies injured. A woman tends him but the lad desperately needs medical help. Time is running out and it looks like the situation is lost when a Sontaran appears. But then something remarkable happens. He removes his helmet and calmly asks, ‘Did somebody call for a nurse?’ We’ve just met Strax…

Also known as: Commander Strax
Home Planet: Sontara
Fact! Sontarans’ sworn enemies are the deadly Rutans.
First Appearance: A Good Man Goes to War
Latest Appearance: The Snowmen
Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

Considering he’s a member of a clone race, Commander Strax is a remarkable individual. We’ve seen the Doctor encounter many Sontarans and whilst every other member of this belligerent species has been guided by a single-minded passion for war, Strax is a nurse. And a good one. We’ve witnessed him save the life of a child in a warzone, give medical advice to a weary soldier and Strax even had himself gene-spliced so he could be fit for all nursing duties. When baby Melody appeared to need a feed he proudly declared, ‘I can produce magnificent quantities of lactic fluid!’

I’ve declared war on the Moon!Strax

He told a puzzled Captain Harcourt why he was helping those he would normally attempt to destroy. ‘I serve a penance to restore the honour of my clone batch,’ he explained. ‘It is the greatest punishment a Sontaran can endure… to help the weak and the sick.’ It’s strongly implied that the Doctor invented this ‘punishment’ and was responsible for Strax’s switch from military commander to medic.

But the warrior within Strax still remains and he is no pacifist. At the Battle of Demons Run he threw himself into the fight with a gutsy enthusiasm and his bellicose background is never far from the fore, even when he’s addressing his patients. When one of them asked if he was going to be okay, Strax cheerily replied, ‘Of course you will, my boy! You’ll be up and about in no time! And perhaps one day, you and I shall meet on the field of battle and I shall destroy you for the glory of the Sontaran Empire!’

Strax helped the Doctor defeat the Great Intelligence in 1892 and during this adventure we saw how much he relishes working alongside him. Although exasperated by the Time Lord’s ‘retirement’ he was delighted when the game was once more afoot and even felt comfortable teasing his friend about his brief impersonation of Sherlock Holmes!

the universe in 100 objects

object 01 The Urns of Krop Tor
object 02 Tegan Jovanka's Lipstick
03... the key to time...
04.. the dark tower... 
object 5 is the racnoss webstar.
06... jagaroth spaceship...
07.. the hand of eldrad..
08.. aderic's badge
09.. the fendahl skull..
10.. the doctors pipe.

11.. pyramid..
12.. the trojan horse
13.. stonehenge.
14.. the pandorica.
15.. fenric's flask
16.. the loch ness monster 
17... a sontaran scout ship.
18.. the mark 1 travel machine
 19.. the painting of the mona lisa
 20.. during his first visit to the aztec civilization the doctor made this drink for the aztec female that aided him and his companions in their escape.

 21.. the 4th doctors scarf.
 22.. shakespeares lost play love labours won.
 23.. the koh i noor diamond
 24.. scotland yard
 25.. peking homunculus
 26.. the fob watch
 27.. agatha christie
 28. the yeti control sphere
 29.. the gas mask
 30.. the dalek ironside

 31.. the christmas tree
 32.. the ultim machine...
 33.. the television
 34.. the sink plunger
 35.. the mark lll travel machine (dalek)
 36.. the special weapons dalek
 37... the internet
 38.. a nasa spacesuit
 39.. the moon
 40.. the shop dummy

41.tissue compression eliminator
42. axonite
43. unit
44. giant maggot
45. boss
46. metabelis crystal
47. guy greyfords eyepatch
48. krynoid seapod
49. radio telescope
50. mondas

52. the tards
53. the artifacts of rassilon
54. big ben
55. the doctors hand
56. cybermen
57.  genisis ark
58. weeping angels
59. dvd
60.the valiant

61. adipose
62. the 200 to victoria (bus)
64. tome eengine
65. fez hat
66. tesalecta
67. sonic screwdriver
69. hairdryer
70.bowie base one

72.milo clancys toaster
73.emergency regulations
75.marsh minnows
77.the lost moon of poosh
78.snake tattoo
79.sandminer robot
80. a door

81.starship uk
83.statue of aggedor
84.time distructor
85.dalek emperor
86.ood brain dalek
88.hand of omega
90.psychic paper

91.sonic blaster
92.river songs blue diary
93. janis thorn pencil
95.bad wolf
96.l3 robot station
98.statue of monoid
99. face of boe