Friday, 28 December 2012

8 doctors

please do not steal my writing 

(( the was used as a reference to write this. ))

~/~/‘Trust the TARDIS...’ Recuperating after the trauma of his recent regeneration, the Doctor falls foul of a final booby-trap set by his arch-enemy, the Master. When he recovers, the disorientated Doctor looks in a mirror and sees the face of a stranger. He knows only that he is called “the Doctor” -- nothing more. But something deep inside tells him to trust the TARDIS, and his hands move over the controls of their own accord. The TARDIS takes him to a strangely familiar junkyard in late-nineties London, where he is flung into a confrontation between local drug-dealers and Samantha Jones, a rebellious teenager from Coal Hill School. But the Doctor soon finds the TARDIS transporting him to various other places in order in order to recover all his memories -- and that involves seeing seven strangely-familiar faces..~/~/

 (everything with these symbols is copied and pasted otherwise its my own writing   ~/~/~/~/~/~/~....../~/~/~/~/~/~/~....../~/~/~/~/~/~/~......)

Concerned with certain aspects of my last encounter with the master in san francisco, i proceeded to check  out  the Eye of Harmony to ensure all was well little realizing that i was about to set of a final trap laid by the master apon his defeat, a trap that would erase my entire life and memories and which would cause me to travel throughout time and space to encounter all of my previous incarnations so that i could and would regain all of my menories.

San Francisco...1997AD... I.M. Foreman's Junkyard... Here i was to materialize just in time to encounter a drug dealer by the name of Baz Bailey who on account of being made known to the local constabulary was in the process of cornering a young schoolgirl by the name of sam jones who had been the one responsible in turning him into the local authorites. My arrival enabled the young girl toescape and return to her local school and alert her tutors of her current predicament and who with her guiding the way returned to the yard to be held at knife point... I the doctor would return here after i had gone through my own time stream and encountered my previous selves and enable both same jones and her tutors to return to their daily lives and see to it that Baz Baily would find himseld in the custody of the local authories to face judgement.

Paleolithic Jungle... it was to this time period of earth history that i was to encounter myself in my 1st incarnation and subsequantly regain the 1st set of memories that would be restored to me. upon our encounter time itself was suspended and i thankful made the move to advise and remind my 1st incarnation that the reason that we had left gallifrey was because of the arrogance of our fellow time lords and if he should prove himself better than them by finding a way to reslove his current situation and to prevent the companions he was with from using a heavy stone to kill and primative caveman before leaving him to get on with things and returning to the tardis who would then take me through time so that i would face my 2nd incarnation.

When the tardis maretialized on that foggy hillside the first person i was to encounter was a confused roman legionnaire. He would come to explain that he had seen things that would enable men to kill from a distance and of vehicles that would move along by their own violation. Leaving the legionnaire to explore i would find myself on some kind of battelfield after walking through a mist like fog. I was to later turn out that i had arrived apon an alien world that was being used for war games. Eventually my 2nd incarnation and i would meet and time would once more be suspended while memories were shared between us. i would also convince my 2nd incarnation to seek the assistance of the time lords even though there was the risk of possible capture.  i left my 2nd incarnation behind as the timelords arrived to interceed and headed off to meet my 3rd self.

i would arrive in 20th century earth just after i thawerted the plans of the sea devils and missed an opportunity once again to put paid the plans of my greatest enemy the master who escaped during that time. when i eventually caught up with him with my then companion joe grant he held captive olive hawthorne a white witch hoping to use her to kill me but his plans failed when olive herself used her gifts over the elements of nature to strike out and overpower him which in turn enabled her to escape his clutches. i would meet my 3rd incarnation at unit headquarters where time would once again stand still so that we could share memories between ourselves  though my 3rd self was reluctant at first. he resiigned himself to awaiting his release from his banishment on earth at the councils leasuire and that when he was to regenerate into our 4th incarnation that death was to be a noble one.

i had to go into e-space to encounter my 4th incarnation who along with the lady romana were in the process of defeating once and for all the great vampires enemies of the time lords. i would find myself facing my 4th incarnation needing a transfusion to save his life and at the same time as i aided him i would share memories with him wich gave more pieces that would fit into place for me.

i would have to return and fight alongside my 5th incarnation on gallifrey itself against the timelord ryoth who had been trying to get me exicuted because i defeated him and his plans for the future. ryoth would try to use the sontarans along with a raston robot at the eye of orion in the hopes of killing me but my 5th incarnation and myself won that battle and shared memoried between us before once more going out seporate ways.

the tardis would take me to face my 6th incarnation who was on board a gallifrayan space station awaiting exicution for genocide. we would learn that our time stream had been altered by the valyard which would cause us to return to gallifrey and alert president niro and former president flavia to the situation. by doiong so the temporal paradox was prevented after it turned out that the matrix had been compromised bringing in to existance the non entity niroc. 

~/~With Flavia’s help, the Doctors ensure that Time Lords sympathetic to their cause will be on the board of inquiry into the trial. The anomalous Sixth Doctor finally vanishes after telling his story, but he’s lasted long enough for the Eighth Doctor to put the pieces together; the Matrix was indeed infiltrated by aliens working from a base on Earth, and the Celestial Intervention Agency deliberately devastated the Earth to protect their secrets. When the Sixth Doctor began to stumble across the truth, they struck a deal with Niroc and the Valeyard in order to get the Doctor out of the way and cover up their incompetence. The Master appears and informs the board that he has revealed the truth to the Gallifreyans, intending to provoke a rebellion and seize control of Gallifrey in the ensuing chaos. While Flavia tries to keep the angry Time Lords in check, the Doctor visits the Low Town where the ordinary Gallifreyans live, and convinces his friends amongst the Shobogans to hold off on the rebellion. It soon becomes clear that Flavia is unable to contain the political turmoil on her own, so the Doctor visits Rassilon’s Tomb and convinces the legendary Time Lord to release Borusa, who was a worthy politician before he fell victim to his own arrogance. Rassilon summons Borusa from an earlier timeline and sends him to the Panopticon, where the Time Lords, shocked by the return of the legendary figure, allow him to lead them to a peaceful solution. A deal is struck with the Shobogans, the corrupt High Council is impeached, and the Sixth Doctor -- having successfully defeated the Valeyard, his own dark side -- departs with his companion Mel. ~/~

y the time i was to regain all my memories i sought out my 7th incarnation on metabelis 3 who had allowed the giant spider to capture him after the destruction of her colony.  after saving him i warned him not to head the call from our old enemy the master but as i knew he would my 7th incarnation chose to face our fate knowing what the outcome of it would be. and that was to head to skaro to retrieve the remains of the master after his exicution but who having used a death worm so that he would survive long enough after death to set his final trap after we had regenerated into our present 8th incarnation.

after my memoried had been restored i came to realize that all of my actions had been guided. so i returned to gallifrey and sought out rassilon who would confirm my suspisions  and that but guiding me certian loose ends had been tied up so that the ravlox incident would never happen. thanking rassilon for his aid and guidence i would return to the present time  and forman's yard and it would be then that i would gain in a companion one sam jones even though i tried to insist that she return home and of course she refused and asked for at least one trip to see the universe. when she asked my name i gave her my alias of doctor john smith. the rest as they say is history.